Yup...nothing extremely exciting but my friends keep telling me that I need to update. What's up with that, yo? XD
Anyway, yesterday I woke up at 8:30 (or therabouts) which is like, early for me. I had gone to bed at 11 the night before though because I was frickin' exhausted despite having a very good day at work. Maybe it's because of all the long hours I've been pulling with the writing.
Anyway, I'm so thankful to the people that have read it and told me what they think about it. Reviews give me motivation to keep going. I want to ask you Harry's people that read...did you notice that I'd posted chapter four? I edited one of my posts because I didn't want to triple-post. ^^;; I've been working on chapter five and
lar-san has been wonderful by helping me figure out the details of my plot. *huggles* I love you forever!
Anyway, I'm still a bit stuck on chapter five, but at least I have an idea of what to do next, and I suppose the rest will just come to me somehow. I'll probably be needing to do research soon because Robin and Amon will soon be leaving Japan. (gomen for the mild spoilers for those who haven't read chapter four) So yeah. I showed dou-dou-chan what I had of chapter five and we got into a random discussion about Nekkid!Amon. Bwahaha! It was teh funneh.
So yeah...I wasn't finished talking about yesterday yet _> At least I don't think so.
So talked to dou-dou-chan while I was cleaning my room and started working on chapter five because I had gotten an idea of where to go. I wrote six pages. ^^ Current word count: 21955. If I get to 25,000 words by tomorrow, I should be on track. I'll be halfway finished! ^_^ I think so far, it's actually been much easier than I've made it seem. Of course, I say that in retrospect.
So yeah...last night we went to the adult session of stake conference, where Elder Bednar of the Quarum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to us. This is the second time we've had an apostle speak to us at stake conference. Usually, they only come to reorganize a stake when a new stake president is called, but Elder Bednar just came to speak to us. His talk was very interesting.
Yeah...so when I got back, I wrote some more because I had jotted down more during stake conference. Maybe this will be a chapter I won't have to revise at all...well, maybe just a little. There's always something I can find to improve. After NanNoWriMo, I can take longer writing the chapters and stuff, but right now, I'm in a frenzy to meet my word count.
Yeah...so anyway...today went to stake conference this morning, when I got back I had lunch and got on the computer and talked to dou-dou-chan some more XD so yeah...nothing much more than that. I gotta go and work on stuff...like writing letters to my brothers and finishing my dad's website. :)