Sep 05, 2004 19:05
welL ... oNn fRiday me jess kate & sAr went to extreme ! hell yes it was so much fuNnn !! yeh we were totally covered in foam . and the quys that worked there kept qettin us up on staqe when these ppl were performinq ? .. lol their supposedly cominq out soon or sum shit .. yeh so then we went to taco belll and qot foooddd =] .. lol yeh then on saturday i cleaned and stuff and then christa kame over then we all went out to dinnerrr at old country buffet ! yehh it was fun then we went to her house so she could qet dressed and stufff then we kame back to my house and then katie picked us up and we went to todds house . FUNN NIGHT omq yes sarah lost her shoe and she was walkinq around with one shoe all niqht ! lol yeh then we ended up at dave`s house wit matt bondz n matt O .. then sAr and kate slept here . lol . then this morninq christa came over and we idd our school work then we walked to brent`s house and then we kame back to my house kuz my family wa shere and we were eatinq lotss of foood .. and then sar left and me n kate n chrosta went tot he park n met up with dave then . kate left so me n christa went back to the park and daves cousins all showed up there .. with andrew wear ! omq i havent seen that kid in forever ahah yeh well me n christa just qot back frum the park . yes alritee im outtttt xoOoooox
lOve . aShLey niCoLe . [[ i loOve hiMm ]]