~!*For a change can something ever happen to go my way*!~

Jan 07, 2005 23:48

Hey Guys! I have kinda been in a crappy mood the past month and I really hate it because it's like is it ever going to go away I think not. Well anyways that's why I haven't posted in awhile because I never have been in the mood to do it so here I am doing it right now don't know why because I'm fixing to pass out and go to sleep but I have got to get this done lol.

Well I really don't know where to start I guess why I have been in a crappy mood is a good place to start...You know I always told myself that I was never gonna let the little things get to me because they aren't worth it but I can't help they still find a way to get to me and it's been upseting me a lot lately...I've never felt this way before but right now I can't stand some of my friends and I know that sounds really horrible to say to but that's just how I feel...It just that I'm tired of coming to school everyday just to hear them tell me all there stories about how they had so much fun at this person house or how they had this person over to there house...Sorry that I had to get off last night without finishing this but my brother came home and he wanted on so I'm going to finish it right now...okay where did I leave off oh yea I know...I mean it's nice to hear there stories in all because a lot of the times they are really funny but yet at the same time these are my so called "FRIENDS" and I always thought that friends do things together...It's like ever since I knew them I have always had them over for parties or just to have them over like friends do...but why do I do that I seem to never get the same in return and it really hurts to think that none of my friends appreciate everything I do for them...God knows that I appreciate them because they have done so much for me except for one person in particular I think that has used me sometimes but I honestly think that she hates me now because she never really talks to me anymore oh yea that's right that must happen when people get a boyfriend they just decide to dump the rest of there friends...Oh and to top it off what makes me really mad is when people use my mom as a reason not to invite me hummm...sounds funny doesn't and I think that person knows who she is...When someone is inviting me somewhere don't you dare tell them that my mom will say no because you don't know my mom appearently...yea she might not let me go places at times but it's only because I have either have to do something wtih my brother or my sister or I have no way of getting there...Oh yea I almost forgot it really sucks to know that no one even cares when you at school but when you are gone for just one day it funny how they just floc around you to fin out what was wrong...There is so much more that I could say about this but I have prabably have everyone tired of reading of my sob stories.

Well anyways last night was homcomming didn't have a date like usual but that didn't bother me any because I knew that I wasn't going to have one...Well I thought that I'd have more fun at this game then I did at the last one but come to find out it was actually worst if you can believe that is possible...It was all good until about midway through the third quarter when I looked over to my right and saw the guy that I like with his date to homecomming I guess that was his date I mean they were sitting together and she did have a corsage so I just put things together...I should of known better though I have never even talk to this person and I still like him I guess that it's kinda hard to explain but yea when I saw that I wanted to break down and cry but I didn't because I was doing pep band and I didn't want everyone to know that I was upset so I held it together...Like I have said for a change can ANYTHING ever go MY WAY and sonething good ever come out of it...I guess this answer it I guess nothing ever goes the way that you want.

Well I'm out for now...probably going to get off here and watch Troy again for the second time it's a really good movie and it's even better if you like history to...So later might write something else later.

~!*Love Ya, Shortcake*!~
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