~!*Welcome to my life*!~

Oct 14, 2004 19:25

Hey! Well what can I say I know that I haven't updated in awhile...so here I am I plan on updating you all the way up to today I'll try not to bore you with everything well I'll start with last saturday.

Last Thursday: We had to get up at 7:00 because we had band practice from 8 to 4...it actually went really good it was just to long a we were outside the whole time which was okay because it was kinda cold but not that much.

Last Friday: We had practice again from 8 to 12 only this time and it went by pretty fast to which was good because we were all really wanting to go to the Ham Fest...Mr. Mroch actually wanted us to all go because he thought that it would be good for us....so most of us ended up going and stayed their until the football game that night..the game went really well for us to it was pretty cold but we lived through it.

Last Saturday: The Marching Band went to Owensboro for finals...had to compete with 21 other bands in class A....in order to go to state we had to get in the top eight and we done it we were sixth place out of eight we scored a 85 which is really good and I think that they really deserved it because the worked so hard for it...So now next saturday we are going to Franklin Simpson for state You guys have deserved to go you have worked so hard to get where you are now and that's good.

Tuesday: I didn't go to school because I really wasn't feeling good...I wanted to go to practice but mom wouldn't let me...appearently practice was really good until Mr. Mroch left them for an hour to practice on their own...then when he came back to do a run through appearently that was the best run through all season because he said that if they were being judge they probably would of gotten a 90 or better.

Thursday: Today we had practice from 3:15 to 6 and we also had a public rehersal since it was the last practice for the season *tear* I'm gonna miss all the seniors...EMILY,CAYLA,CAYLA D,ANDY,NICOLE.We had to practice in the rain what a way to finish the year off. Well I got to go talk to you later.

~!*Love Ya*!~
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