~!*This entry goes out to all my with an exception to only three,*!~

Oct 01, 2004 15:58

Hey Everyone! What's up! Well there's not to much going on here. I just noticed last night that I haven't posted an entry for a whole month so I thought that I would post today and catch you up on everything that you have missed but I'll try not to make it to long lol.

Well my computer was messed up there for like the longest time and we just got it fixed wednesday which I was so happy because I was going to go crazy if I had to wait much longer. Band is going good to except we haven't gotten our 80 yet and we have to have that before we can go to finals and tomorrow is our last chance to get it so if we don't get it tomorrow then our season is over with for this year.

Well as you noticed I dedicated this entry to all my friends in exception to three and that's Hilary , Devin, and Jason...so if you three read this don't worry about it because it dosen't pertain to you but you can read it if you want.

Well I love all my friends to death but I have to the conclusion today that none of my friends feel the same way...I'm tired of always helping you guys with all your problems and personal things and not getting nothing back in return I feel like I'm being used by all of you guys and you don't know how much this hurts me.

I never noticed that until today I thought that I had so many friends that cared about me and cared enough about knowing that I can't really do a lot of things on my own and when you leave me high and dry to let me do things on my own then forget it...It didn't really hit me until today that no one even cares to help me and I know ya'll are all wondering what you did and well I have an example don't worry...Like for example today at the pep rally no one cares enough to help me over to the gym and so I have to struggle my way over their by myself...then to top it off no one even cares to help me back to the band room except for Hilary(girl I love ya and I don't know what i'd do without you this year). I know what a lot of you are thinking to well she could atleast tell someone when she needs help well I don't think it's my place considering that you already know that I can't get up stairs by myself...So yea to my so called friends I don't even want to talk to you right now and I really don't mean to sound so mean but I'm still really hurt by what you did to me.

Well that's all i'm going to post for now...I might post some more after the game tonight...Tonight is homecomming...BEAT THE PIRATES-GO CATS
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