Long IchiRuki vs IchiHime analysis for ch 342

Feb 03, 2009 11:36

This is a continuation of my post in the IchiRuki FC at BA the other day.

Yeap, as maaaany people have noticed, people from the opposite camp are really excited about the latest chapter. Not that I care, but I just want to bring this up that, seriously- there is nothing worth being happy about. Unless of course, people are being deluded with their non-existent sense of logic, or perhaps using the little pea-sized brain of theirs to think that Bleach starts from the HM arc and the KK and SS arc never happened- or at least they can turn a blind eye to it.

It amuses me that how their obsession for a ship so non-existent can poison their brain and make them hallucinate that Bleach isn't about Ichigo and Rukia but about Ichigo and some pawn which they claimed to be the heroine and that Aizen has said that she's worthless- already.
*Yeah, bet they are trying to find ways to nullify this point right now*



Aah, the so-called perfect/protective scene by IchiHime fans.


I won't talk about why Inoue hesitated but I'll talk about Ichigo's reaction here.

Ichigo: I don't need to hear you go on about hesitation or whatever, none of that matters.

It also means that it does not matter to Ichigo whether Inoue hesitated or not. Even if she does not hesitated, it does not matter to him, and now that she hesitated- it also not important to him.

Sure now people are gonna say:

Ichigo is so good to Inoue!! Even if she hesitated in protecting him, he still wants to protect her!!

Wrong. Seriously wrong.

First things first.

It simply shows Inoue's actions, behaviour, feelings does not matter to Ichigo at all. None of that matters to him.


This simply proves it. He is more interested in finishing the fight with Ulq. He finds Ulq chatty, and his talk about Inoue does not interest him at all and he just wants to finish Ulq off ASAP without interference. And yes, Ichigo's attention went back to Ulq immediately after that. The talk about Inoue's hesitation or whatever does not spark any interest in him and that shows how OBLIVIOUS is he about Inoue's feelings for him.

And that itself has made her sad. Just look at that panel again. She isn't looking glad, happy or grateful. She almost seemed hurt and yet again, she failed in becoming Ichigo's equal which she desired so much. Unlike Rukia, she has made it clear that she wants to be his equal- to be able to protect him just as much as he has /wants to protect(ed) her. And she has proved her point in her fight against D-Roy. xD

Second thing.

Even if she hesitated in protecting him, he still wants to protect her!!

Again, this is simply over exaggerated. Ichigo wants to protect everybody, regardless they want it or not- as long as they NEED it. Heck, he even protected Grimmjow- his enemy who doesn't want his protection, but simply needs it. Whether she hesitated or not is not an issue. He'll protect just about anyone, and Inoue isn't an exception.

Then people wil argue that Rukia also didn't want Ichigo's protection, but simply needs it. So it's not love or anything right?

Then let me tell these people that IchiRuki is different from IchiGrimm.

Rukia wanted Ichigo not to save her is for his own safety. It's a concern for him, she was being selfless even if she needed that protection. Whereas Grimmjow doesn't care two hoots about Ichigo's safety or anything, it was about his pride of losing to an enemy and as an enemy. These are totally two different dynamics they have there.


Yeah, the last panel. So much 'love' there I heard.

They neglected the fact that Ichigo is so thoughtless. He actually wanted to fire Getsuga Tenshou right at Inoue. Yeah, sure it's for good purpose, but it also shows how cao shuai/ insensitive Ichigo is. He's a little dumb here (no offense), but he should know better that his Getsuga Tenshou isn't child's play, and yes, it could be fatal to both the Loli twins and Inoue- the so-called love of his life.

And yay! for UlqHime fans. Ulq seems to know of this fact and has protected her from Ichigo's 'lovelove' blow indirectly.

In ch 342, all Ichigo does is just thank her and asked her to step back. He acknowledged that she has tried to protect him, thanked her and that's that. Like what I've mentioned above, it simply does not matter to him why she does this and why she does that. It just does not interest him- thus he asking Ulq to shut up.



He acknowledges and understands why Rukia has wanted to protect him, thus rejecting all her opinions because he wanted to save her. It was different from ch 342 where Ichigo just told Inoue to step back whereas here, he got all emotional and became very overprotective of Rukia; for fear that she tells him to save himself again- which of course he didn't.

If it was Rukia which was powerless at that time tried to do that like in ch 342, he'd have gone all emotional- just like the page above. (And Rukia only used her mouth, and not even lifting her fingers yet- and he's like that

They have a few pages to themselves, emotional and epic reunion, plus their dorky little squabbles- all in full view in front of Byakuya and the rest. Kubo sure has spent a lot of time on IchiRuki. <3

ch 342, ichigo, analysis, comparison, rants, rukia, anti ichihime, long, ichiruki

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