(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 21:01

Wow, its been a while since I updated. So much has been happening, it seems like only a couple of days, but also several months! How strange...

Well, things did settle down for a bit after that Wednesday...I relaxed and stoped stressing for a couple of days. But...as always, it was only a couple of days! Life always seems to do that, you achieve one goal, then there is only another one waiting just around the corner, and its like you never even did the first. It just pales in compairson to the first...untill the next, and then the next and then the next...

I seem to have become really really fussy in what I read. Maybe because I don't have so much time. Its just I remember being able to read any fic that I saw, even if it was obvious from the outset that it wasn't that good, I would get interested, and have to continue. Not that I didn't read any good fics back then...most of my favourite fanfiction that I have saved and specially bookmarked is stuff that was written a couple of years ago. But now...I just can't seem to find any good fic. Now I know there are still amazing writers out there, new ones coming all the time but...I can't find them. I don't have the time and the patience any more to go journal hopping in the search for them. I stick to the people who I have been reading since I first came here, and don't really go very far.

To sum it up, I need some new stuff. Not that I don't love what everyone is producing, but...I need a nice, long, fluffy, angsty, smutty, involved fic to read. One that is good from beginning to end. I know there are a million fics out there that I haven't read, but can someone recomend their all time favourite? Or a new one that is everything we could wish for in a fic. I don't know, I'm just feeling very unsatisfied with what I try to read at the moment.

On a brighter note, I finally found the time to catch up on emmagrant01's 'Surrender The Grey' and am yet again addicted to it. Not long to go till the end, and I just can't wait for the next update.

Oh, and when I came online today I saw all this outrage over scramasaxx's deception. Personally, I actually hope she is just okay. She sounded pretty mucked up in that post, and no one has heard from her since. From what I can tell, she has hurt quite a lot of people with her deception. And there is no excuse for that. But still...I hope she is okay. I didn't know her personally, or actually read any of her fics, though they sounded good, but I still think its sad what happened. I would like to reassure anyone who is still reading this journal that I am actually who I say I am. I think when I started out in the fandom I never intended to reveal my real name, just use Ash, but I also never would have thought about making up anything about myself on here. Every single thing I have said has been true. And as is slightly obvious, I find it hard to keep from mentioning my real life on here. I do live in Australia, I am female, my name is Natasha, etc etc. And I hope you all can believe that *hugs*. I hope that whoever was hurt by scramasaxx is okay, and I hope she is okay as well. Just...I like everyone here quite a lot, and I hope that you are all okay. And who you say you are. Though I'm not really as involved in the fandom as many people are...I can still be hurt.

There is a storm here at the moment, lightning is flashing in through the windows and the thunder is really loud. Its raining, but not much, just enough to sound constant on the corrugated iron roof. This is the first rain we've had for a couple of weeks, its good. Everything was starting to look brown again...not that thats very unusual at the moment. Its coming into summer here finally, warming up. I haven't yet been for a swim at the beach yet, but next weekend I hope to have the time. Its wonderful, hot, but not yet too hot. I love this time. Not the least because its also my birthday in 2 weeks. I'm excited, but also not very much. I like birthdays, but there is always some sadness in the joy. As always.

I have suddenly become really reflective. Maybe I should take myself off to bed now, before I blab too much more. *hugs* to everyone, I'll be around a bit more soon. I'll read, and try and stop myself from being so picky. Its silly. *flowers and chocolate* *and more hugs*

work, recs, birthdays, australia, real life

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