Title: 50 Pairs
Genre: Humor, RPF
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's a drabble, summary not necessary.
Author's Note: Kinda' late since I read this bit in
sheenalinh 's journal, possibly sourced from
estherzax journal
[click here] weeks ago but I was on leave. Still...
50 Pairs
JE Idol Kamenashi Kazuya just bought 50 pairs of underwear. Apparently, he changes five times a day.
Akanishi Jin replaced the tabloid on the stand, shaking his head. The news made Kame sound obsessive compulsive. While it is true Kame is a neat freak, Jin knows better.
Done with a customer, the shopkeeper finally turned to face Jin. He recognized his regular customer. Still, he asked, "Yes, sir, what can I do for you?"
Jin smiled but waited until the last customer left the shop before he spoke. "Can I have 50 pairs of the handy foldable scissors, please?"
-The End-