
Oct 11, 2005 19:27

• GED testing is only offered from 8-12 Thursday mornings. Apparently I need a GED for being homeschooled, yet I have Psychology from 9-11:50 on Thursday mornings. Also they demand I take the tests in two sittings and not one, and I don't really want to skip two classes. Firstly, I like Psychology, and secondly, I would imagine it does effect one's grade and bring about large mounds of make-up work if I was to do such a thing. A GED is hardly an incentive. What the morbid death.

• Time doesn't really go by slowly these days. It tends to fly by, but to what avail? Anyhow, songs titled "Time" tend to be rather jocular. Namely those be Pink Floyd, Tom Waits, and Ben Folds. Maybe someday I will compile a mix of songs exclusively titled "Time" and the profundity will blow your mind.

• I dislike Interpersonal Communications. What a silly idea for a class. Easy credits, maybe? I have no idea how I'm doing, though. I do all the homework, but am I maintaining good eye contact, articulating my feelings effectively, eliminating biases, and listening and not merely hearing?

• The Early Decision deadline is November 15th. That is going to sneak up on me like a hungry narwhal does on its unexpecting prey. I'm not really overtly optimistic regarding any of these schools, but then again I know I'll make friends and do well and enjoy it wherever I end up, so what does it matter? Actually I like Gordon best, but I can't really make such decisions before I visit these places, and I don't seem to have done any of that yet. I should have done that last year, not a month before the deadline. And I should probably have retaken the SATs, but I didn't and now it's too late. Then there's always that sneaking suspicion that I'm beating myself up over nothing, I'll do fine and get glowing reference letters and get my applications in on time and be accepted and live happily ever after.

• The first fencing tournament of the year that my parents are willing to drive to or whatnot is on November 5th. That is lovely, but I will be at the Ben Folds concert in Boston then and thus will not be in West Rutland participating. There's not any conflict in my mind as to which to attend or anything, but it'd be jolly if I could compete in the few tournaments I have a ride to if I'm paying for a USFA membership. I wonder when the next one is. Then there's always my lack of skill, but maybe there's some happy upcoming tournament for unrated people such as myself.

• Lately more and more I've been finding myself meandering about going, "Ya mar, ya mar, ya mar, ya mar, ya mar, ya mar, ya mar, you no good pah!". The moral of the story is that "Ya Mar" by Phish (or these days, Leo Kottke and Mike Gordon) is a wonderfully catchy little ditty.

• I think I need a muffin.

• All right, I'm done.

• Karen, you've inspired me to use tags! Behold my organization!

why i don't want to skip psychology, ged, muffins, schedule conflicts, my use of tags, ya mar, the passage of time, fencing tournaments, college related angst, songs titled "time", interpersonal communications

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