(no subject)

Jan 12, 2011 14:19

Author: ashgray_kitsune
Title: delicate
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairings: Kurama/Hiei, Yusuke/Keiko, Yukina/Kuwabara, Shizuru/Botan
Synopsis: If it's not one thing, it's another...
Chapters: 7/?

Hiei woke with a start, his senses as frightfully raw and sensitive as the day his Jagan eye had fully awakened, and shocked, he realized that it was indeed open, and the sheer volume of energy that he hadn't been able to sense in the past three weeks washed over him like a tidal wave. It was searingly painful, and it took him the better part of a minute to close the damned thing. Finally, he could sit up without being blinded, and realized that he was alone, and that someone was calling for him.
    "Hiei! Hiei, can you wake up?! We can't find him anywhere!" The koorime felt a chill shiver down his spine, and throwing off his blankets, he sprinted to the door, throwing it open just as Shizuru skidded to a halt, panting. "Genkai saw him slip into the trees but we can't find him! It's like his energy is completely gone!" Hiei felt himself pale, and he ran to his duffel, hauling out a cloak, his sword, and a good pair of boots, strapping a small belt of healing potions and other medical gear across his chest. He was stuffing his feet in the boots when Yusuke ran in, panting even harder than the psychic.
    "Hiei...!....He's....in the woods...it's Youko, man...!" Hiei finished stuffing his other foot into his boot and took off, opening his Jagen just enough so that he could search for Kurama. He winced at the surge of signatures, but focused on one very faint one, a wavering blossom of demonic earth ki that was limping across the landscape. It would not take long for him to catch up; presumably, Youko was not as powerful in this state, without his cache of seeds and plants to use as weaponry and in a place where he'd never set foot in his true form. Presumably. There was the very real possibility that he would not survive this, should the fox choose to unleash his full power. With the Jagen so newly awakened, and his own skills a little atrophied because of it...Hiei wondered if he should send a message to Yusuke. It might not be a bad idea to have a back up...He paused, a clearing behind Youko, and closed his eyes, opening his Jagen a little more to pick up Shizuru or Kuwabara, the best in the group for receiving and relaying messages. He pictured Youko, and sent the message that should either of them sense his power fading, that Yusuke should take over.
    He closed down his Jagen after that, dimly sensing their shock and fear, and their assent, and opened his eyes, eyes keen enough to track even a squirrel across a rock face. Hiei let his tracker training take over, running the snows like he had his whole life, fast and light, soon catching up to the kitsune. He stopped short as Youko stumbled, clearly injured from a few falls, and just as clearly growing deeply chilled. The koorime carefully stepped into the clearing, sliding a healing potion into his hand, and exposing both hands to the cold so that Youko could see that he wasn't hiding anything. He took a breath, and spoke.
    "Youko Kurama-san?" The kitsune spun, and Hiei was surprised at his height; he was easily a head taller than the Kurama he knew, and Hiei swallowed nervously, offering the healing potion with both hands. "This will help you heal, and warm up. It will not muddle your senses, and if you wish, I can explain much of what happened." He waited for a good fifteen minutes while the kitsune pondered his generosity, and just as he was going to give up, he felt his breath suck in as a long, delicate hand tipped with dainty claws plucked the potion out of his hands. Youko drank it greedily, tossing the empty bottle to the ground as he finished it, resting one hand on his stomach, eyes closing in quiet bliss. Golden eyes snapped open, and he held out his free hand, snapping his claws.
    "I require another. Give it to me, then explain." Hiei dutifully handed over the potion, and settled on a fallen log, tucking his hands back into his cloak. He sighed a little, and bowed his head to the kitsune.
    "This...starts with your human body. Minamino Shuichi was raped, beaten and half-strangled; we brought him here, the sanctuary between the Spirit, human, and Demon worlds, so that he could heal. Yesterday, he had been taking those potions all day long, and slept most of the time. This morning...I would assume that you woke, wondered what the hell was going on, and meandered into the forest, where you discovered that you were not in Demon world." Youko eyed him suspiciously, but shrugged, his long hair caught up by the wind as his ears swiveled to and fro.
    "Your assumption seems to be correct. I woke walking into the forest, and as I could not remember what had happened to me, and smelled a great many humans, I chose to flee into a place that I assumed was safe. Clearly I was wrong. You are the koorime-friend of my human form, correct?" Hiei nodded, and offered him a third potion. Taking it, he drank it down before tossing it aside as well. "I have three questions that I wish to be answered. First, am I being hunted for any reason?"
    "You are only being searched for. In truth, we are all far more concerned about both yourself and Shuichi's health, and as such, we seek only to offer healing and care."
    "Good. Secondly, will I be harmed should Shuichi prove difficult to return to?"
    "Not if I have any say of it."
    "Very good. Third...If I cannot return to Shuichi, I wish to return to Demon world. Can this be accomplished?"
    ".......Absolutely. Did you have any other concerns?"
    "None that you can answer, I feel. Not to diminish your abilities any, but as the first demon to join souls with that of a human, and in effect become half-human myself, I believe I fall under a special set of circumstances. Special enough that I do not even know the full extent of what I am capable of...So, koorime, lead us back to this sanctuary." Hiei bowed, and drawing out his sword, he started plowing a path through the forest's thick snowfields, eyes fixed on the distant mound that marked the temple's grounds. Come back to me, Kurama...I don't want to lose you again...

yu yu hakusho, k/h

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