The Spot and Smudge series

May 18, 2020 21:35

A review encompassing a series of books by Robert Udulutch.
Spot and Smudge
The Glasgow Gray
Let Slip the Pups of War
Of Rogues and Revenge
A Wee Infestation of Jerrys
Do you like dogs?
Do you like science fiction?
If you said yes to either you should give these a try.
If you said yes to both then you will love these books.

Being the only surviving pups of a litter their dame barely survived to have is a rough start.
Protecting their family and friends is a hard job.
These two are up for the challenge because they are more than a little special and they are not about to roll over.

#sciencefiction, #bookreveiw, #scifi, #spotandsmudge, #goodreads, #dogs, #robertudulutch

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