To Mellenials From A Gen Xer

Nov 21, 2019 15:35

I am a part of generation X. The smallest living generation. Smallest.
My own Mellenials will be voting in 2020, I hope I have passed on proper values. I hope they value the environmental health, living wage, free college and all of those things that really matter.
I know that many of you are angry with us for not removing the babe boomers from power. I understand that, I do. Thing is we thought that we were going to Rock the Vote ( look it up, it was our push to vote ). We thought we were going to oust the baby boomers and change everything. We were wrong.
We didn't get realize it but we are a politically irrelevant demigraph. See, we are too few.
Even if every member of gen X voted and voted the same the WWll and boomers would still out vote us. The politicians realized this first. Why support policies and laws that gen X wanted, why pander to the vote of the minority.
Thing is every generation has people who benefit from the way things are or don't have the education to figure out that they don't or that it is hurting them. Thus making things worse. As we began to realize this a lot of us ( not me but still ) dropped out on voting. Yes, gen X has a low voter turnout now, so many gave up on changing things that way.
But we did manage to make some changes in other ways. Tho most are small local shifts. Cities with green laws, recycling programs, and such. About the only world changer was getting the tuna industry to change how tuna was caught. We found out which companies used nets that untangled dolphins and which ones didn't. We made sure that we only bought the dolphin safe stuff. Our spending habits have more impact than our votes. We got some companies to reduce packaging. CDs used to be sold in large boxes that had space for another CD as well as the plastic cover on them. Okay, so that is a bit before your time but you can Google it.
We did what we could with what we had. We just have never had the numbers to stop the fossils.

gen x, change, mellenials, politics

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