De-lurking with AMAZING

Apr 15, 2011 00:40

In a turn of events much like the Big Freaking Bang or something equally awe-inspiring, Rin (the owner of this journal) and I (Jade) went to our first My Chemical Romance concert. I say first not only because it was the first, but because you can bet your ass it's going to happen again! As soon as we can possibly manage it!
And in honor of this wonderous event, I bring you the first post in Rin's journal: a picspam of semi-epic proportions from the concert on March 31! In the spirit of pimping things out, there should be some bit of writing by me up on here sooner or later as well, but for now, the concert!!

First, the venue was the Fox Theatre in Oakland, and the line was an ass. You can't see it, but believe me, it was...

Now, what you must know is that my brother is the epitome of awesome, because this is where we were supposed to be sitting, and where we sat while Neon Trees opened:

And this is where we ended up sitting, thanks to my brother getting us tickets:

It really only got better from there.
Aside from the whole getting up-close and personal with everyone in the pit, it was pretty much completely mind-blowing! Yeah, we couldn't hear, couldn't speak after screaming so loud, but SO worth it!

They opened with Na Na Na, and me and Rin screamed. Shut up and let me see your jazz hands holds a special place in my heart, and probably created a hole in my throat with how loud I shouted it. Rin was right beside me and I swear, somebody had to have gone deaf with the combined force of us!

I'm sure you can all look up the setlist, so I'll just relive the most exceptionally awesome bits. Amongs these are the fact that they played Thank You For the Venom, which is ohgod, I love it! And, like an idiot completely overdosed on pure fucking joy, I collapsed at the end of Sing. Not exaggerating at all. I just looked up at the band, realized how close I was, that this had been a dream for four years, and my legs gave out. Rin probably had a minor heart attack, because dropping to the ground in a mosh pit, bad plan. But I was back up when they started Vampire Money, and Jesus Christ, the amazing kept coming!

At this point, we were pretty close. As you can see...

As always, Gerard was heart-stoppingly fabulous, especially in that stylin' white jacket, which he teased us with. He took it off partway through, dangled the thing near the edge of the stage, almost let the fans have it....and then dropped it onstage. Tease.

Mikey, who Rin has a *ahem* thing for, was totally a badass. Have to say, I was very impressed with his sparkly guitar and how Mikeyway is just this chill force of greatness all the time. Because we love him. <3

If I ever doubted Ray Toro was a demi-god on guitar, I will never doubt again. After this night, I would so not be surprised if he set the thing on fire during a solo one day, he's so amazing.

Frank. Oh, I had a problem here, because, ladies and gentlemen, Frankie is my favorite, and he chose to throw himself into the crowd during I'm Not Okay.

Just prior to the crowd-surfing:

And then he was among us. Of course, by 'among us', I mean ten feet to my right, where I'd been fighting to get to. My boyfriend and Rin had been holding onto me so we wouldn't get lost in the crowd, and someone had a hand in my belt loop, but Frank Iero left the stage and my feet left the ground. I'm almost positive I climbed over someone's back to get there, but I made it to where Frank was before they dragged him back onstage, and...
My hand touched his guitar, almost touched his fingers. I'm going to sound like an obsessive loser saying this, but the elbow to the kidney and backwards headbutt I got in the process were way beyond worth it. I couldn't actually even feel them at first over the adrenaline. Having been to this concert, moshing makes so much more sense to me now.

Now for a barrage of the best pics we got, slightly interrupted by more commentary.

There was a lot more to it, and a lot more pictures that came out shaky, blurry, or whatever. There was an awkward moment in which Rin grabbed my head to inform me of the state of Gerard's pants. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of extra bulge, but....let's say we're suspicious. 
In the second half of the show, Rin and I cried during Teenagers and then she cried during Mama, while I sobbed through Helena. Toward the end, I nearly passed out of heat exhaustion, but we stayed in the pit and fought our way to the second row in time for the last few songs.

And then the stage cleared, and Gerard sang Cancer, and I thought I was going to start crying again. I didn't, but they brought out Bulletproof Heart for the encore, and then I cried some more. For both me and Rin, that song is...something special. I might even have some of the lyrics in a tattoo someday, and the fact that they finished the show with possibly my favorite song of theirs, ever...if nothing else, that made this the best night of my life so far.

I've been a fan of this band for years, and I've never had the chance to see them live before, and I can honestly say it lived up to every possible expectation I had. I love the ever-living hell out of this band, and its wonderful members, and I'm going to turn into a sap right now. Because as cheesy as it sounds, their music and their enthusiasm in everything they do, their courage has gotten me through so much in life. I'm so greatful I got to experience this and I hope I haven't bored you with my rambling emotions, but if I'm gonna tell it, I'm gonna tell it like it is, and I've never felt so alive and perfect and happy as I did at this concert.

And I don't even care that we looked trashed to hell by the end of it.

my chemical romance, concert

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