Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2010 05:43

Yay! It's a new year! Happy 2010, everyone!! ^____^

And since it's a new year, I've (randomly) decided to update my LJ. W00t!! XD

Best things to happen to me in 2009:

1 - I met some of my online friends in real-life.
2 - Went to New York City for the first time.
3 - Got to attend New York Comic Con.
4 - Got to meet the incredibly talented voice actors of Pokemon, including my favorite voice actress, Veronica Taylor (and she knew me online because we had exchanged emails, so she was just as happy to meet me as I was to meet her!! =D)
5 - I had an awesome time at NYCC, and I hope to attend another NY anime convention sometime soon.

So yeah, overall, I'd say that I had THE BEST YEAR EVER!!!! =D

And I'm hoping that 2010 will be just as awesome for me as 2009 was. =3
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