Aug 13, 2008 02:55
So it is 3AM and I can't sleep. I have some serious insomnia this week and I don't know why. I made a schedule up for this semester and I am going to try my hardest to actually follow through with things this semester. I also went over my budget again. I made a budget for each semester but stupid me put in the yearly tuition and I just about had a heart attack when I came up 3000 dollars short in my budget. Now it is all figured out and I have 1000 extra which is going into a savings account to hopefully go towards a trip for spring break. I quit the job I got at the nursing home after working two shifts. I truly hate working in nursing homes. I work with aides who think they know what they are talking about and don't. Noone other then myself lifts the beds up and moves people correctly so I wind up killing my back. I refuse to be miserable my last year of college so I am going back to nazareth. It is a 4 dollar an hour pay decrease but if I get two shifts a week there and work study job on top of the fact that my financial aid covers all of my bills I will actually be financially set this year. Well assuming I get all of the financial aid I am supposed to. I do every other year so hopefully this is the same. I am really looking forward to this year. Me and megan are doing great and hopefully we can keep it that way. I have friends this year which I missed a lot. At miseri I always had Nikki, Mae, Rachel, and Tara. I missed having people to go out with. Tomorrow we are going to hometown with Mae. I have never been there so I am excited. I am hoping to get my loan check by then so I can get some super cheap scrub tops at hometown. Well I think that is a pretty thorough update. Still not tired though. I guess that's ok seeing as this weekend I am working two 11-7.