Stuff I miss...

Nov 06, 2004 01:44

Just thinking about some of the stuff that I miss from my youngest years... "Baby Bear," clocks that needed winding, black-and-white pictures, family walks downtown after dark, transistor radios, silver coins, girls in pretty skirts, people who were born in the 19th century, role models, etiquette, dime stores, dime store soda fountains, return-for-deposit soda pop bottles, milk in glass bottles with the cream on top, the milkman, Helms Bakery coaches, chrome, tin, rubber, bakelite, butterscotch, Beemans chewing gum, percolators, vaporizers (no, wait, I don't miss those at all!), live television, Rod Serling, "One Step Beyond," "The Outer Limits," Rin-Tin-Tin, Lassie, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, bedtime stories, getting tucked in, real McDonald's french fries, Crisco, Brylcreem, Vitalis, Butch Wax, Fuller Brush men, 45s, 78s, Hi-Fi, monaural records, portable record players, listening rooms in record shops, malted milk, drive-in theaters, drive-in restaurants with carhops, orange groves, maple furniture, clotheslines, fireplaces, backyard incinerators, rocking chairs, lead tinsel, roller skating rinks, two-lane highways, Burma Shave roadsigns, skywriting, manual typewriters, carbon paper, test patterns, vacuum tubes, TVs and radios that took a minute to "warm up," rabbit ears, polite women, common decency, 35-cent movie admission, all-day matinees, nickel candy bars, "check your oil?," war movies, he-men, electric cash registers, TV westerns, Model Ts, slot cars, chemistry sets, flash bulbs, Instamatic cameras, toy loans, CONELRAD alerts, bobby sox, full-time mothers, trolley cars, movie musicals, no gambling (except the Irish Sweepstakes), cafeterias and automats, open-air shopping centers, downtown department stores, "wide track" station wagons, high octane car exhaust, the NBC peacock, "Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color," white t-shirts, loafers, Hush Puppies, corduroys, hula hoops, car tailfins, car seatcovers, throwing rocks at bottles, growing up without fear...

but most of all...

I miss my mom, my dad, and my nana...

My family, October 17, 1954

nostalgia, mother, nana, parents, father, scott

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