More old home pics

Dec 08, 2007 06:41

Just some more pics from my first house that I didn't have space for before. ^^

My ovine neighbors. They lived in the small pasture west of the house. The property itself was owned by our landlord, but there was a Portuguese rancher who apparently held some sort of easement right that allowed him access to and use of the pasture, so he used it to keep his stud ram and this one ewe. The ram (we called him "The General") was quite territorial and not friendly at all. He appreciated our somewhat wilted veggies, however. The ewe was much nicer. A very sweet creature. Both sheep were taken away one day and never returned. Unfortunately, the Portuguese rancher spoke no English, so I couldn't ask him what happened to our fluffy former friends. (I regret that the photo of the ram is so blurry.)

The view of the northern pasture from the back fence. I don't know what kind of flowers these are, but this particular May (1984), there was a literal explosion of them.

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A pretty rainbow in March of 1985. The people who bought the house later that year subdivided the rear portion of the property and built several luxury homes there, so this view and the ancient rickety stables no longer exist today.

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The chair in the foreground... I am sitting in it at this very moment (it's very nicely refinished now, however). The otter bookmark and the drawing of a crucified otter were both subjects of previous posts here. The brass otter ashtray was a gift from one of my elderly clients...

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The "Peace on Earth" card at top was my Christmas greeting for 1984. The Ivan Bilbin peacock print (center) was also the subject of an earlier LJ post. And there at lower right, sure enough, is an unopened pack of smokes: Merit cigarettes, to be precise. My roommate upstairs liked the brand, and since he smoked half of my cigarettes anyway, it just made sense to buy a kind that suited both of us. ^^

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In mid-1985, my landlady actually offered to sell the house to my father for $75,000, who would have bought it for me if I wanted it. I forget now the exact reasons I had for recommending to Dad that he not buy it. Seems a stupid decision now that I look back; not only financially stupid, but the people who bought it did not take very good care of the old place. It doesn't look anywhere near as nice today as when I lived there.

Anyway, as fate had it, many years later my former upstairs roommate became a real estate agent, and it was he who found me my present house. So it all worked out right in the end. ^^

nostalgia, home, animals

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