Twice in the last 3 days, Mister Hairy Houdini Husky here managed to escape from the back yard through a rotten fence board, completely unbeknownst to me until my next-door neighbor, Meghan, called to tell me he was outside my front gate waiting patiently to be let back in.
I found his escape route soon enough, but despite me blocking it with a piece of plywood and a deck chair, he managed to push all that aside and escape again. Then yesterday, thanks to my neighbor in back, Steve, the fence was finally secured, so Sneaky-Pete will hopefully be staying put now; at least until he finds another way out in future.
Nice to have neighbors looking out for my dog and me. :) I do worry about Zigzag getting out, though, because he is not car-savvy at all and just dashes out into the road without looking. He also bears grudges against a couple of other male dogs in the area and I'm concerned he might get into a fight with one or both of them if he got the chance. But, not this time, and hopefully never if I can help it.