Aug 31, 2005 00:34
Ever had one of those feelings that you really have to act on your heart even though your brain says you shouldn't? That expressing your hear may not be the most logical thng, but the right thing to do no matter what? Ever had that you should just go for it two feet in and just make that leap of faith.
I thnk that time is fast approaching for me.
My heart can no longer deny siz years of supression. I have to do this, make my voice heard. This time I have to act casue if I don't, I'm goinf to loose womsthing so very prescious to me, and I cannot bear that.
My heart is a fragile thing, it can only supress for so long. I have a dream to folow, a calling, a passion to satisfy. Now is the time
Goddess help me. For the first time in so long, I am now sure of who I am in your plan. I know what you wnt me to do. I know where I stand, and I am so sorry that I have been blind to your faith in me all this time.
Thankyou for opening my eyes. Thankyou for giving me the courage to see this through.
Blesed be my friends
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