Aug 25, 2010 01:35

Player Name: Erika
Personal LJ: phoenix_prose
AIM: InsaneAntiscurvy
Other characters currently in-game: Null
Who referred you to the game?: I blame Keryn, Steve and Illana

Character Name: Inuzuka, Kiba

Canon source: Naruto

PB: Sean Faris

Personality: A flash-tempered braggart with a cocky swagger and a wannabe-badass attitude, Kiba tends to get himself written off as the musclebound beefcake. This isn't far wrong, but over a decade of training has instilled within him certain other skills and values, facets that aren't altogether natural but also aren't entirely manufactured, either. There are a lot of flaws in his personality-- after all, no matter what he's become now, Kiba started off human.

He's ruthless when he has to be, and that tends to be most of the time. He's lost the majority of his naivety between living hard on the streets of St Petersburg as a kid and then being inducted into The Programme but still harbours certain little squishy spots that he refuses to admit to. These days his default answer to most problems is to just kill it until it leaves him alone, and that bothers him. Kiba sort of likes the false glamour of being a sometime-spy, full-time assassin. It's just that sometimes he wonders what it'd be like to be a normal teenager. Thankfully the Mist Institute is usually good enough to send him off on some gory mission to take his mind off of it-- introspective thinking has never been one of Kiba's strong points.

However, he's loyal, almost fanatically so. He's strong-willed, although he has a tendency to beat himself up when something goes wrong, and if overwhelmed can be a bit defeatist. He's very strict in his dubious set of morals, or so he'll tell you, but if you make it into his 'pack' there's nothing he won't do for you, including betray his Master.

And he's terrified of ducks.

History: Kiba doesn't remember much of his 'real' family: a neglected, orphaned streetrat from the slums and alleyways of St Petersburg, he joined up with a gang of his urchin peers and learned to survive as best he could, scrounging and stealing what he needed, relying on his gang-brothers to help him out when he was in true need but never exposing his weaknesses any more than he had to, for that was a fast way to end up beaten, even amongst the tight-knit fraternity of his adoptive pack. As a slight preteen with keenly honed senses, he often did the rooftop walk at night, tracking his way carefully across the higher reaches of the city. He could move on all fours as easily as two legs; when his gang was rounded up by the police, his somewhat-notorious talents in this department saved him. A hard scout named Tsume for Mist Sector picked him up by the scruff his neck and toted him to the Siberian base on the Yamal Peninsula. Kiba still thinks of the hard-eyed, coarse woman as the closest thing he's ever had to a mother.

After the success of an earlier Wave's transformation, Kiba found himself undergoing the forced genetic mutation (they didn't ask his consent, of course, although he would have agreed out of sheer curiosity) that would eventually bring out even more of the mongrel dog a childhood on the cold streets of Russia had developed in him. It wasn't a comfortable process, either, and getting used to the adjustments it made in his body was disconcerting and often painful. It took him a long time to be able to ignore the daily assault on his newly-heightened sense of smell - a strong whiff of perfume could knock him out cold - and he had to be kept in near-soundproof quarters until he'd mastered the knack of tuning out sounds that were suddenly far too loud for his young brain to process comfortably. Once he had, however, he found himself lonely without the presence of anybody else in his necessarily-secluded quarters. With a rare display of genuine kindness for the staff of the facility, his benefactor turned up one day with a (relatively) tiny puppy, and from that minute on Akamaru very rarely left his side.

As he trained Akamaru to be a Good Dog (with the help of Tsume and his older counterpart, a girl by name of Hana) and learned how to make best use of his own abilities, Kiba slowly started to realise something that sent him into fretting panics every time he thought about it: he was losing his sight. Or, rather, the colours of the world were slowly leeching from recognition in his brain. Terrified that the Mist experimentation programme would wash its hands of him for being so thoroughly defective, Kiba struggled to compensate, throwing himself in all aspects of his training. He was never top of the class for the theoretical side of things, but he was naturally athletic and soaked up everything his stern teachers handed him with feverish determination, all the while fearing the consequences if anybody found out his weakness.

He needn't have worried. The programme directors, to put it bluntly, had never been expecting brilliant things from him in the first place, as the main purpose of his Wave of experimental subjects was to isolate known problems rather than provide any real power. But Kiba's hard work had paid off, and his tough-won sheer athletic prowess was impressive enough that more time - and funding - was dedicated to his development. The necessary science to alleviate his dwindling colour-recognition was already present in prosthetic aids for the blind, and it was no hardship to craft something suitable for the life of a future hired assassin. Contact lenses with pickups implanted in his skull provided an easy solution, although Kiba's brain gets exhausted trying to handle impulses it's no longer hardwired for; if he uses his lenses for too long he gets wracked by horrendous migraines as a result of brain-strain. He wears them only when necessary - colour isn't necessary for his day-to-do life, most of the time, and after a decade he's used to his monochrome world. It's no worse than what Akamaru has to see through, after all, and his Malamute partner surely never complains.

[bonus extras can be found here, also.]

How does your AU differ from canon? Instead of random ninja villages, Kiba's AU is from the game minds_sedate, set 50 years in the future where the Naruto kids are genetic experiments and trained to be superninja assassins.

Strengths: Superhearing, supersmell, super mad running skillz! Kiba's also hella strong and pretty resilient after all the shit he's been through. He's trained in tactics and strategy, knows several languages, and theoretically is qualified to lead battalions. Oh, and he can dance like nobody's business. Bitches best be recognisin'.

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, not really all that book-smart, prone to migraines with very little provocation. Also prone to brawling with very little provocation. Basically he's kind of a beefhead. He makes a crap spy most of the time because he's just too loud and attention-seeking to do it right.

Preferred drop-in point: Truth and Consequences

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment? Harassing Ino, being annoyed at the whole situation, trying to score chicks, general CR and character development because I'm rather fond of this particular incarnation of him. Also, people being all up in his face for being a Commie would be many lols.

First Person Journal Sample: A couple I am fond of:


Third Person Sample: Here have a few:

!!posthumans, !biography

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