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usagi_alchemist February 28 2008, 21:34:04 UTC
This is the most epic fst I have ever laid eyes or ears on. :D It's like a feast of fst. Yes.
The "Jaws" theme made me realise what should have been obvious: Squalo didn't get mauled by that giant sea creature because he too is a dangerous sea creature! Everything is illuminated. XD


ashesto February 29 2008, 23:23:16 UTC
Haha, thank you! It's still. very incomplete though sob why is the Reborn cast so big. (And getting bigger. orz)
O Squalo how we love your sharkiness.


usagi_alchemist March 1 2008, 04:11:23 UTC
I know, it's so big we keep forgetting about people, even. XD Longchamp needz moar screentimes thx! But they're all awesome so I guess it's okay!
Sharkiness and the fact that name and personal appearance combined make him the very image of a Final Fantasy villain! :D


ashesto March 2 2008, 04:05:31 UTC
I want to know what the hell happened to the Tomaso family in Future Arc, man. >: I WANT TO SEE HOW THEY GREW UP. B-but yes, they are all awesome. orz


usagi_alchemist March 2 2008, 04:09:36 UTC
Me too! D: I want to see if they're still so off-the-wall eccentric or if they, like, grew out of that or something. Because it'd be so hilarious if they were totally straight-laced and normal now. XD


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