Mar 05, 2012 23:53
I am starting to feel a little better, less exhausted and less scattered.
Conclusively, I have beginning stages of Lumbar (as well as Cervical) Discogenic Disease, calcification of the lateral discs at L1/L2, and will likely have mild arthritis in my right hip. I also have vertebral trauma, bruising and really bad contusions, but thankfully (sigh) no actual breaks or fractures like they initially thought after firts review of my second set of X-Rays.
After a closer look and in person consult, it was determined that I should continue care with a chiropractor, massage therapist (IRONY!) and take 400mg of ibuprofen three times daily. I have also upped my protein intake for muscle and soft tissue repair as well as glucosamine for my joints.
If I do not show improvement after this care regimen, in a few months I need to get an MRI to check for nerve damage, and see a Spine Specialist. If those treatments do not work, suergery is the last option (especially if nerve damage is detected), but I doubt it will come to that.
Today I had my first chiropractic treatment and it was nothing at all like what I expected. I had seen a chiropractor in the past for general health and wellness (6 years ago, as well as when I was 15 for lower back and neck tension), and recieved the trational crack and adjust, but today (last week was just my consult) I recieved lumbar stretching/decompression as well as electrical stimulations to re-boot the circulation in the muscles of my lower back.
I was initally freaked out by this because this was the worst injury I have ever had and in the back of my mind I kept worrying about that one thing going wonky and paralyzing me from the waist down.
Well, I am glad I did it anyway because I really feel an improvement. I came home afterwards, did my Yoga homework, and then went to my Yoga Center for their Monday night Beginner's class. Now, mind you, for Instructor Training I am dilligent about taking as many classes as possible and as many different kinds as possible, but for my own practice, I tend to enjoy the more challenging classes becauase I can focus better.
I have been babying myself, and I was a little stiff and sore and quite frankly a little scared about trying ANY poses in fear I was going to further injure myself; but after I was a little stretched and warmed up, I found that even the very basic, gentle (restorative) poses were really helping me (why I was scared of this is beyond me now), and I felt an overwhelming rush of relief and peace when I realized that I had been babying myself for too long and I should just concentrate on strengthening again.
I have always been very resillient, so this should not have been a surprise.
Believe me, I have no plans on over-doing it or over-extering myself by taking on too much challenge all at once, but once again, I have found peace and comfort and solace in my Yoga Practice.
mental health,