Fic: Heroes: Backwards Attraction

Dec 03, 2008 09:03

Written for the heroes_contest challenge. Prompt: Distance

“Backwards Attraction”
Rated PG-13 for sexiness
Pairing: Elle/Claire
Warnings: Fem!slash, minor mention of mental sadism (Hee, alliteration!)
Note: The title is a lyric from “Your Bruise,” by Death Cab for Cutie.

“Elle pushes buttons and presses Claire a little bit further than she wants to go.”

Elle was a pro at keeping her distance. There’s something about a girl who shoots sparks out of her hands that doesn’t beckon someone closer. Elle didn’t mind, not really. What’s the point of getting close? They’d just run when the claws came out.

Elle was a pro at keeping her distance, until she met Claire. Claire, the cute blonde teenager. Claire, the cheerleader with a spot of darkness deep inside. It’s that self-same spot of darkness that Elle loves to exploit. She pushes buttons and presses Claire a little bit further than she wants to go. Like stretching a rubber band, Elle always retreats before Claire snaps.

Sometimes Elle feels guilty about corrupting a seventeen-year-old girl. Sometimes she wonders when Claire is going to wake up and run away with the next boy who flirts with her. Mostly, however, Elle practices her aim and counts her blessings that she found a mate who will never short-circuit.

“I think I want to dye my hair brown,” Claire whispers. They’re curled up on the cheerleader’s bed--Sandra’s out grocery shopping.

Elle just laughs, “but we match so well,” she points out, pulling her girl down for a kiss. Elle was a pro at keeping her distance, but sometimes it’s easier to let someone in.

fanfiction, tv: heroes

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