I had the chance to walk around with 500 degree vision again today. Everything looks so awkward, well obviously, what I mean is that my entire surround is not what it seems to be. What you might think is a cup on the table could be a bowl, what you think is the remote could be a shoe or your sibling's toy. Every person I saw looked the same as everyone else. I'm not too fond of this feeling of uncertainty. But thanks to kids in the circle pit swinging their arms around as if they were punching air, at the concert yesterday, I get to stay like this for a couple of days until I get my new glasses. Before I lost my glasses I was on the look out for a guy with
a Spooky shirt on. He was gorgeous and had an awesome shirt on. And yes my mother got angry when I told her that I lost them, she didn't even notice me not having them I was talking to her. She's not mad because I could have gotten hurt, but the fact that she has to spend money on me again. I'm going to end the entry here, staring 2 cm away from the screen is hurting my eyes.