['tis the season for New Feathers, and it might be very easy to mistake this small blonde girl for one as she is wandering around in the shadows of town, trying to figure out the lay of the land.
You might see her in one of the clothing stores, where clothes appear to be stealthily disappearing into a bag. She won't be getting more than two items in each store, and if you're fast enough to catch her it certainly looks like she thinks she's stealing.
After she trades in her New Feather dress for more appropriate clothes, if you have no visible weapons she may bump into you and apologize - hope you didn't have anything valuable in your pockets.
She will spend an inordinate amount of time in the corners of the grocery store before strolling in, bold as you please, and picking up imperishable items that are mysteriously squirreled away in her clothes.
And much, much later, there will be an accidental voice post. She has her journal with her, of course, it has her name on it and that means it's hers and so few things are - but she had no idea what it was, or how it worked, until spending a day watching people talk into theirs.]
How does this - [The journal shows a skewed view of a surprisingly serviceable campsite.] - stupid thing work?
((OOC: For the sake of icons and great justice, tags will be answered with