So like, out of nowhere...

May 05, 2008 15:37  Literally, within three days I went from being me to being me in a hospital bed with a line of bloody staples holding my lower stomach together.

On tuesday I had these awful muscle cramps for about an hour and a half. They stretched from my ribs down my thighs to where I couldn't even stand up straight. I got nauseas, and then had a round of hot flashes, and then all the symptoms popped out of existence and I was suddenly fine.

The next day I was completely fine, and had forgotten about the pain except to every once in a while pray that it wasn't an oncoming kidney stone. (Which my friend had told me about, because she thought my symptoms matched hers when she'd had them)

On Wednesday I woke up with the pains. I knew it was all over. I was driven to the doctors, given a prescription for painkillers and a time to show up for an ultrasound the next day. I get home, get a call that they changed their minds and I have to go to the emergency room. I was in the emergency room from 4:45 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.

That morning I had surgery. Another scar to add to the collection.

I'm actually pretty cheerful that it's over, and looking forward to catching up with reading since I'm not suppose to move for 4-6 weeks.

On that note, I found this cool website that took up a large chunk of time I should have spent sleeping.! It's really cool, especially for people who have a great love for reading. On this site, you can catalogue, rate, and review all the books you've ever read. Then you can browse other people's profiles, and through the miracle of a single 'compare books' button, the website will sort through their entire list of books they've read, and match it up with yours. Then it gives you stats on how many books you've both read, and the percentage that your rating of those books match up. So when you find people with similar tastes you can browse their lists to see what books you might be interested in reading in the future.


So yeah, I have that to keep me busy, and then I'm also using my emergency room experience as a basis for a little Zuka ficlet. It's good to write that kind of experience out I think, since it really is so intense and full of memorable sensory observations.

Now I just feel a little nauseas, and am slightly worried since my staples are supposed to come out tomorrow or the next day, but everytime I check them I find new blood on my bandages. >_>  *sigh*  Sorry if I'm grossing anyone out.

I'm never good at breaking news like this. I mean, it's kind of weird to come up to someone and be like *poke* "Hey, guess what? I had surgery." Or announcing the occasion in LJ like it's an auspicious thing to be bowed to immediatly. I mean, so what? But then, when you don't tell anyone and they find out months later they're like "Why didn't you say anything?" There is no winning.

That's really all I have to say.

Have a nice day. =)


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