I don't know why it matters to Roman that I'm "talking shit" about Sam in my journal. Fuck you, Roman. At least I'm not the one stealing shit from people. Fuck you, Sam. At least I can believe in my friends. Fuck you, Aubrey. At least I'm not completely lame. Fuck you, Reno. I thought we were friends. Fuck you.
Much later:
I wrote something earlier
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sam's ditched and talked shit about you. but she can never manage to do shit in person, can she? i've witnessed her talking shit about you and a bunch of other people, so don't even go there, buddy.
i'm not hating everyone. but i'm allowed to be mad, aren't i? yet again, last time i checked, this is still my journal and i'm still allowed to say whatever the fuck i want and there should not be any complaints. i have good friends, buddy. i have people i get mad at and then ten minutes later we're fine. that's kinda normal, buddy. i never said i hates anyone, but i do dislike stuck up, all mighty fuckers who think they are so much fucking better than me. i do dislike people who are ready to up and run as soon as shit gets SLIGHTLY weird. i do not like people who can not stand by their friends. and you know. i stood by sam, i stood by aubrey, and i stood by reno. reno never stood by me. i can be upset about that, can't i? yet again, MY FUCKING JOURNAL. i dunno if aubrey's ever stuck by me or whatever, and sam did for a while.
nora, this shit really doesn't involve you. it's none of your business whether or not sam chooses to try to humiliate me in public. she failed. and you're failing too. back the fuck off, bridget, this isn't your fucking shit.
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