Stress is "teh ebil."

Aug 10, 2012 03:52

I'm managing to survive the month so far. I'm so far behind on everything, I'm hopefully going to get caught up this weekend.

Anyways, I posted my first fanfiction (and at this rate, the only ~_^ ) if you feel like reading, I'd be thankful, but hopefully stop by and read a few more when you're there. This is why I'm so totally inscure on my writing, but I still have fun, that's what matters.

The story is 'where silence has lease' and it's both on ffnet and Archive of Our Own.

Maybe if you stop by A03, check out the pieces and give a quick 'kudos.' Some of these people it's their first fic and we want to do what we can to encourage them. It's one button and it's easy and these writers have worked amazingly hard. ;)

writing, final fantasy viii, where i belong, eternal tiet

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