Feb 18, 2010 22:25
How is everyone? I've got into the habit of going to lovely restaurants on a weekly basis again, which will soon result in me having no money. I've also discovered a taste for red wine, which is certainly not a good thing for several reasons. I'm going to Livebait tomorrow evening which should be absolutely wonderful, especially considering the 30% discount vouchers. I've been there once before, for my 22nd birthday.
I feel so lost at the moment, in pretty much every aspect of my life. I'm so tired of analysing and reflecting on everything without being able to articulate or decide on anything, that I don't really have the energy anymore. I just thought I'd have a hell of a lot more figured out in my life and mind at this stage of my life that I do. I'm ready to drop everything.
I'm going to Moscow with my mum for a week in a couple of weeks. It sounds pathetic as I really want to go to Russia too and my mum's paying for half of my trip, but I'm really proud of myself for arranging it. She'd mentioned a while ago that it's something she'd love to do, and I know she didn't expect me to follow through with it in a million years. I'm just pleased that I've done something that makes someone I love really happy. It'll be nice to spend a week solely with one of the handful of people on the planet that I genuinely love.
I hope everything works out.