Aug 19, 2004 18:29
well its been awhile since iv updated this and i thought it waz about time.Well now im in the 10th grade and have a b/f,i got back wit Brian...he lives right nextdoor to me now so...yeah its awesome.Ambers bein a lil bitch right now tryin to control who i can be friends wit becuz me and Lindsey,this girl Amber hates,are friends.Amber and Lindsey use to be friends but Amber killed the friendship by bein a
phsyco-control bitch and hitting on Lindsey's b/f.Oh,hey i got another therapist too.My mom thinks im too angry and violent for some1 my b/f Brian is so sweet.I swear he'd do just about anything for me.I love him so much,the weird part is i'v never felt this way bout or with anyother person.