Jul 26, 2004 14:15
"Some of you have met me and some of you haven’t. Even if you haven’t met me, you have heard of me. My name is whispered through the crowds. I am written about in newspapers and magazines. I am respected for my determination and intelligence. I am prized about all of my kind.
I bet you are sitting there, wondering just exactly who I am. Who do you know that is held high and praised like no one else? Can you think of no one? Is there no name that comes to your mind that can convince anyone of his or her true worth? Who can instruct those that are lost on how to follow the correct path of life? Who do you know that can teach the ignorant the only lessons in life worth learning? Are you still drawing a blank? Well, no worries. Soon enough you will know me. We will soon become as intimate as lovers. You will learn to rely on only me, follow instructions given only by me. Please, do not be frightened or angry. I promise you will benefit from all that I teach you.
I prefer to be called Ana, as it is what my friends call me. My full name however is Anorexia Nervosa. I fully encourage that you use my nickname, for we will be getting closer very soon. If you don’t fell comfortable using it now, don’t worry, you will. My full name is only used by those who don’ know me and yet perceive to understand my place in this world. It’s mostly doctors and psychologists that use my full name. These people who claim to be fully educated and yet know absolutely nothing.
I suppose you are wondering why I am here talking to you. I have finally decided that I no longer want to be put down by those who have no idea who I am. I am tired of having stories and lies told about me. There are so many people who talk as though they understand my philosophies of living. These people know nothing and are utterly misguided.
There are some that know me very well, these blessed souls that follow my path. These are the only people who have the right to speak of me. There are many of them out in the world with more joining every day. I could tell you stories and tales of all these people. I could speak of how they have blossomed and grown in my affections. So many of these stories need to be told, every one of them equally important. I have lived intimately with each of my followers, guiding them, loving them, and teaching them. I give encouragement when needed and punishment when warranted. It would take me a lifetime to regale all the stories to you, so for now, I will only speak of one. She is a prize to me, cherished for everything she has become under my tutelage. Her story will show exactly who I am. So sit back, settle in and get ready; hers is a story worth knowing..."
This is the beginning to a story that popped into my head when I was running one day. Is there a book out there that is spoken through the thoughts of Ana? Seriously. I have yet to come across one. So I thought it would kinda interesting to tell a story about a girl that suffers from this disease from Ana's point of view. I want to try and show the world that although what we do to ourselves can kill us, we are not alone inside our heads. That Ana tells us what to do every single day of our damned lives. What do you think? Just an idea...