(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 17:20

hello hello, doez this thing work?

all the otha sistas in KAPPA ALPHA KAPPA SISTERHOOD 4EVA have dese journal thingers, an d my myspace acount was getting too popular and every1 read it so i figerd i'd try out this livejuornal thing. thuis computer styff is kinday complicated so i dunno how much i;ll use ir.

newayz, i shuld tell u whut i am up 2 this summer

i am taking classez at college cuz i failed a couple last semester. mom is making me take dem at the community college, she sez she dunt wanna waste more $$ if i fail them at my real school. neway i am in beginning math and beginning englush, i dunno why. math iz hard but i dunno how i failed it, prolly cuz i was always staring at my hotty boyfriend bryan instead of watching the prof. and engluish? i am a toooootally good wrtier, so i dunno why i failed either.

soz i am staying at home this summer, i havent seen bryan since may 15 at 200pm when his plane left, he went to vega$$$$$ with his frfayternity brotherz to partay. i mis shim sososososososo much!!!! i lovvvvve him adn cant wait till school starts sos i can see him every day!!! i hate being home it iz harder to find partiez and get out, the fuking police are sososos tough and give out underages alllll the time, and i just wanna get drunk!!! :((((((( my little sister is so lame, too, she tellz on me akll the time whenever i sneak out. :(((((

okayz enuf of this for now.... FRIEND ME PLZ???

<3 ASHERZ~~~~~~~~

pS LOOkit my Icon, itz muh boobies!!!!!! the foto sux but bryan has akl the good ones of my boobies and he dont have a compyuter in VEGA$$$$$$$ to email me ne of them.
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