Vacation was the best evah! Living away from my family for college and summer work has made me appreciate the time I get to spend with them like crazy...we camped, jet skied, saw the biggest tree in the world, and hiked right under Half Dome. Oh yea, and I'm tan--well, for me lol. I'll be honest though, going cold turkey on media (no internet, music, access to friends) worked me over like no other, haha. It's good to be back.
It started raining maybe twenty minutes after we pulled into camp...we must have looked pretty funny running around like crazy trying to get the tent set up (with our EZup over it for water protection) before it really started to storm.
Wakeboarding YAYZ. I haven't done it in three years, and somewhere in that time I found a sense of adventure and lost all sense of risk...let's just say I jumped a lot higher and took a lot harder of falls this time around haha.
The fam in North Fork, the exact center of California. Yee-eah.
It's Yosemite!!1!eleventy-one!
Somewhere under Bridalveil fall.
Another day of sea-dooing. I took this one of my padre, cool no? Yay for lucky shots. :)
The Crystal Caverns in Kings Canyon National Park. Photos just don't do it justice.
The Giant Sequoias in Sequoia National Park. Don't believe me that they are giant?
Check it.
And maybe the best thing is that I now feel ready to conquer the last month of work...not just conquer it, I suppose, but enjoy it. This was totally the break I needed to get me through the rest of the summer.