May 02, 2009 10:07
It's been a rough few days. In this space of time, I have watched all of my carefully laid plans crumble into dust.
A housing situation in which I had four separate living options fell apart one by one. (And yesterday evening, this number went to zero). NO BUENO. And yesterday when I went into Bird, I was dropped from 3-4 full days of work to 1-2. Ummm? What? The firm isn't doing well enough in this economy to support another full-time (or part-time, apparently) staff member. Even more no bueno.
So, when I graduate a week from today, I will have no place to live and a job where I'm 6-8 hrs/week away from being laid off. Like, what the hell is going on in my life??
So that was the bad news. Here's the good. Every time something like this has happened in my life, where everything kind of gets swept off the board, it has been the hand of God. In the past, he has been clearing out my life for something better, and forcing me to completely rely on his providence and guidance.
It happened right before college, when I was turned down for a full-ride at APU and I thought there was no way I would get to go there--then God provided through other financial aid sources so that HE would get the glory for me being in this amazing place. It happened my second summer when my dreams of being RAs with two friends were shattered, and instead I got to live with Katie, probably my best roommate of college. It happened third summer, when I was almost set to go to Germany for an internship, and instead God pulled me home and I had the single best summer of my life with Bird, family and friends, and living with a professor.
So, based on the pattern, I think that is what's happening right now. And this gives me SO much hope! Here are the good things about this situation that I can see right now: I get to move home and be with my family for a little while; I have a mountain of freelance work to occupy me for a little while, which I can do from home without a problem; I'll get to save money; and I can take my time finding a place and a roommate; AND I can stay with Andrew's family on the days I work at Bird, as his house is near a train station.
So, all in all, an entry that started out absolutely miserable and confused and lost has been transformed by the power of God into one of hope and comfort. How good he is to intercede into our lives.
remember this day,
words of wisdom