Mar 11, 2006 12:01
Wow this week has gone by in a blur and resulted in me being sick today even though i tried very hard to prevent me from being this sick. Monday my stomach hurt so much that i could barely stand, so i went home, ate three antacids and that helped cure me. Tuesday i woke up very dizzy so i delayed going to school until the last two blocks. I was supposed to go to detention for being late to gym, but because my friends and i got in a huge fight i missed it. Because our situation wasn't resolved i ended up going to track practice. It was really easy surprisingly because i haven't run since the day that we were let out for winter vacation. Well needless to say when we all left track i thought our issues were mostly resolved but then a couple things that they said ate away at me until i just had to know what they meant. i had chorus rehearsal that same night. Ashley called that night too and she brought up one of the issues and i tried to prove her wrong but i don't think she believed me then. Wednesday i was going to make up my missed DT, but then i asked Alicia about one of the issues and she refused to tell me so we got into another argument and that was terrible. I'm not so sure if she even considers me her friend anymore. We both said some hurtfull things. Well i missed my makeup DT, so then i went home. Tom picked me up from the school and we talked for a little while but he had a ton of hw so he had to go home to get some of it dones before my chorus concert. My chorus concert sucked, and added to everything else i was so p*ssed off that night. Thursday morning i threw up before going to school so i stayed home, which was probably better anyway because i'm sure my gym teacher would have asked why i missed detention and then slay me. I was still upset with how the friends arguments have like tore us all apart when ashley called. We talked for over an hour i think and after the phone call i felt sooo much better about everything.
Friday i went to school but the whole day was like one big blur. I went home directly from school. Tom called me before he went to work and after we got off the phone i went to sleep. At around 6:30ish i get a phone call from matt telling me that he and scooter were coming over to pick me up and bring me to Newmans for a party. I was half asleep but i managed to pull myself together and get somewhat ready. I felt really sick last night but i was trying to ignore it to have some fun with friends i hardly ever get to see. It was very chill. My mom wanted me to come home at 9 so of course i came home at 9:50. I ate dinner and my plan was shower, then sleep until tom gets out of work at 12, but it turned out he got out at 10:30 so he came over and we just talked and layed on my floor watching stupid teenage drama shows(Degrassi). I probably should have gone to bed much earlier because by 1 i was shaking, pretty sure i had a fever, killer headache, and felt like i was going to pass out from exhaustion. That is also probably the reason i feel so crappy right now, even though i slept in until 12. I'm feeling better form the time i woke up 'till now. I should take a shower and maybe eat...probably not eat because i feel nauseas but drink some water. Tom is coming over around 5, we will either hang out or go somewhere. Tomorrow i'm going out to lunch with my friends to try and repair the damage. Should be fun. I hope we don't argue, i'm tired of fighting. Actually i think i'm going to shower and take a siesta(mid-day nap). Sounds good...
Gooday/Goodnight :)