Hey, just wanted to say I've been really depressed lately and haven't really been on the internet/played video games/written/translated/ or drawn for the past month or so. I've seen the comments I've gotten (mainly in the SaGa Series community) and I've felt really bad about not answering them. I'm sorry
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Thanks, Tofu. ;_; <3 Things have gotten worse, actually, but I've told a professor of mine about how I've been feeling, and she's setting me up with counseling. Never thought it'd come to this, but... :/ I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to keep myself alive.
Seriously, though... I've been generally being a hedonist to the best of my ability lately, since that's what I was told to do by my professor and the Asst. Dean, but since I don't feel like DOING anything, I've generally just been forcing myself to do things I used to like. I beat a game and translated some stuff and posted them to DL, so you can go check those out if you feel so inclined. I can't write a single sentence unless it's just ramblings (and more and more, I've been rambling about stuff I would normally never talk about with people I don't even know, so I KNOW I'm not in a good state of mind right now), so my grades aren't so hot, either.
I'm really really sorry about not being able to get around to finishing the stories you sent me, but with the little note-less kanji going on in Jam to Jam stuff, it's too hard for me right now. It takes me some serious time and dedication to do one of those. ;_; I WILL finish them though! I promise!
I checked out the new stories you did for DL, bravo! They are excellent!! Don't worry about the translation stuff we were working on, focus on regaining your mental health first. That's what's important and I've got a lot of things keeping me extra-busy in my life so I haven't had time to do much with them either.
Oh and have you heard that Daisuke's coming to Anime Expo this July? I'm definitely going (I'll be soooo poor afterwords but it's totally worth it). Would you like a souvenir? =3
I seriously stopped typing halfway through "sainted" to look up flight costs just now. And HOLY SHIT with my new job I can afford it EASILY (fairly, anyway). ;_____; <333333333 OH MY GAWD. I HAVE TO DO THIS.
Forget a souvenir, we could actually meet, whilst simultaneously basking in Daisuke's glorious light of the most amazingness magnificence in the history of EVER. Thanks for the offer, though. XD <3
Besides that, though...
Thanks for the support. ;_; <3 *hug* Of course I'll send you an e-mail; I still owe you one of our uberlongs. d ^_^ b Man... I never, EVER thought I'd ever have to worry about MY mental health. It's just been AWFUL. It has inspired me to reconsider becoming a psychologist of some sort, though, which is good.
Oh, I never told you about my new job, did I? Or did you read about it in the Scans thread Did I even mention it there? >_>() Here's the lowdown, anyhow: I got a new job taking care of the mentally handicapped. It's a live-in, and I'm basically here to help them become self-reliant, so the ones I take care of are already pretty far along and doing well for themselves, so it's pretty easy. My mom's a nurse, so I can actually tell her about my workplace hijinks, and the other day she was trying to advise me how to deal with them when they get surly and don't want to listen, and I told her I never TELL them what to do (they hate that, and will almost always be mad at you for a couple days if you boss them around), I just make it so they WANT to do it for their OWN sakes, and then they feel good about doing it, it gets done, and everyone's happy. She was so impressed by my mad skillz that she actually asked why I don't think about being a psychologist (I've never told my mom I was interested in it). This really gave me a boost toward it, so now I'm seriously considering it. Better than reluctant nursing, anyway.
Sorry about the wall o' text. >__> It's just really nice to be able to talk to you again. ^_^ I should update this thing more. I think I will, actually. It might help me get back into writing. :D Yes!
Oh, and thanks for the bravo. :B I'll be back on those when I feel up to it, no worries. I think I'm getting better, even though EVERY TIME someone mentions my dad, I either get so angry I get a migraine, or start crying. :| Oh well. Hopefully the counselor will help.
I heard in your DL thread that you had gotten in a new job (and were moving too) but nothing specific. Interesting that you want to get into psychology...what field?
I miss hearing from you as well. Please do update (or at least write me back) eventually. No rush, cuz I know you're busy with things.
I hope everything smooths itself out for you, but don't try to rush it or force it. I made that mistake and it's only set me back further. =/
I have no idea what field right now. I guess I'll just take extra Psych classes until I eventually decide on something. I still don't know much about it, but it seems like something I'd like and be good at.
Can do. :)
Yeah, thanks. Don't worry; I'll be careful. I'm sorry you got burned by it, though... want to talk about it?
...Oh yeah. I got a DSi (traded in my Lite), and it has a built-in camera with an SD slot, so I guess I got myself a crappy camera, too. :P I took a picture of myself with it to show Jin over on DL, so I can show you too, though I'm just a sad little... something-or-other. Gremlin. >__>
Blech. >__> Also, I wish BBCode worked here. :/
If you do end up cosplaying Robo-Ky for AX, that'd be awesome too. There's a GG/BB photoshoot gathering Thursday afternoon (I'll miss it) but we can hold our own shoot later when we meet up. (DonMungMung will be there too, she cosplays Jam).
Good luck with the pysch stuff! d=(>_<)=b
Yeah, thanks. Don't worry; I'll be careful. I'm sorry you got burned by it, though... want to talk about it?
Not here....
Hurrr....you're cute. How are the new DSi's? I still have an old fatty....charcoal colored XD
CRAP, I WANNA DOOO THAAAAT. I can make the magician costume, but if I did Robo-Ky, I'd probably have to buy the costume, which feels like cheating to me. >_< And I just have WAY too much hair to cram under a Ky-wig, so I'd have to cut it. I don't really have too much of a problem with cutting my hair, it's just I want to take care of a some cosplays while I still HAVE it, and Valant is perfect for that. :P Maybe I'll make the mask as a future promise to myself. :D And hooray, DonMungMung! I'd like to meet her, too.
Thanks! :D
Send me an email! I still don't know if I feel up to responding to the other really long one I already have waiting yet (I'm going to try writing again today, and then I hope I'll be up to it), but if you want to talk about it, please do. >: I'll listen, if nothing else. ._.
Asdf >__> Thanks, though you lie. :P I've been trying to feel better about myself lately, so I can at least accept that, haha. I can't honestly say I hate myself anymore, so that is a HUGE improvement over the majority of my life. :D Quoth the Raven: FEELS GOOOOOOOD!! (When you smash into a wall while Burst Driving in Overture.) Man, I make the lamest references.
The DSi's are really good! I have no complaints whatsoever, though I wish they had improved on the biting nature of the d-pad. >_< It makes it more precise, I guess, but trying to play Dust Strikers for more than 20 minutes on it hurts more than two hours of PS2 GG, and I thought THAT was bad. It doesn't have a GBA slot anymore, but it's thinner, has a bigger screen (noticeably so, which is good), better speakers, and a built-in camera on the inside and the outside. There's also a built-in wireless card, so you can browse the internet on it if you can get a connection in the first place. It also comes with a lot of applications for taking weird pictures and downloading new games for points (it works a lot like Wii now), as well as Pictochat. All in all, I'm glad I got it - especially since I have a GBA SP, so I don't have to worry about not being able to play Advance games. Oh yeah, and instead of being shiny and smooth, it's matte. It scratches less easily, but I think it looks and feels kind of strange. My friend loves it though, and there's a lot to be said for scratch-resistance.
Oh! Are you going to bring stuff to get signed by Daisuke? Of course I want him to sign everything GG I have, but I also don't want to look like a freak (besides being dressed as a yellow magician...), so I'm thinking I'll limit myself to the games, artbooks, and soundtracks. ...Though that's already 15 things. ._____.||||| Gaaaahhh!! What should I DOOOO?! ;___;
...Is it IMPOSSIBLE for me to be concise, or what? >__>||| Well, no... to be more accurate, is it possible for me to NOT RAMBLE? XP
There really isn't any shame in buying your costume; not everyone who cosplays can sew or has the time to make a costume they need, so just be honest about it. There are lots of places where you can get what you need or that do commissions but be sure you reseach each one (cuz some are nothing more than re-sells of cheap Chinese knock-offs). If you want to try doing it yourself, check out some the forums over at http://www.cosplay.com There's a lot of good information there, and if you want, you can even contact other RK cosplayers to ask them questions about how they made/obtained their costume (or just post in the general GG thread).
Oh, and you wouldn't have to cut your hair for it either. Just braid/pin it/contain it under a wig cap. Add wig and volia! There's information/threads/picture tutorial on how to do that as well. If you need a blonde wig, I've got two I'm selling. (On a side note, I kind of cheat for Sol hair. Since my real hair is super long, I just cut a hole in the back of my wig and pull my pony tail through. Don't have to mess with bundling my hair up under a wig cap and dealing with extensions then X3)
Ah, take your time with that super long email. Even if you do fire off a reply, I won't be able to respond for a while (see my LJ for the post of all the craziness that's due to slam into me XD)
I am bummed to hear that the new DSi don't have a GBA slot =( I'd like to be able to play some of my GB games again, but I can't since I lost my brother's GameBoy Color, he took (as compensation for losing his GBC) and then lost my GBA and the SP I had (it was the Limited Edition Zelda one) was stolen >_> Why couldn't the original DS's have been compatiable with those too? Argh.... I don't play that many games anyways, so unless there's something really awesome that I would need the camera features for, I think I'll pass on the upgrade. (random- I love the minigames in Dust Strikers. I'm always playing the Faust one.)
Oh man, I've been thinking about what to take to get signed (I'm only going to do one thing....I think AX might have limits on what/how much you can get autographed). I've got some of the books, two offical posters and a few CDs (some of my GG CDs (I found out later) were knock-offs >_>) I think I'll bring my 10th Anniverary book to get signed, unless there's something else at the Arcsys booth that I don't have.... (like those RIOT T-shirts)
lol, it's good that you have a lot to say ^_^ I don't mind and to answer your last question, no it is not possible for one not to ramble. I do it too.
I could do that... (*just tried it*) but I'm afraid it'll like, make my head look too big or something. >___>||| I have probably only a little less hair than you do in length, but I WAS able to get it surprisingly flat. Oh, can you link to the wigs? That would be awesome. And dude, that's not cheating! That's a really creative way to use what you got! d >_< b Nice thinking, seriously!
Hahaha, Con Month indeed. XD Now I must go to Jacon! I wasn't planning to, but whatever, it's close and I've been there twice before. XD I can go one day, at least. :B
AWWWW! That sucks! Stolen? D: Man, if Nintendo's notoriously stupid about one thing, it's retro-compatibility. >___< And yeah, there's nothing wrong with skipping it. DSLite is more cost-effective, and they're going to keep selling them. DSi isn't a full-fledged next-gen. (Also, that Faust game is AWESOME. XD I could play it forever - until I die, of course. The Jam one kicks my ass, though. Actually, pretty much all of the others do. XD;)
I checked the site, and the page that lists limits on autographing isn't up yet. >___< I think I'll get the 10th Anniversary book signed, since it's the 10th Anniversary book, after all. But the original Guilty Gear is something else I'm considering. ;_; Dammit! ;_; Oh, and that sucks about the knock-offs. I'm pretty sure my GG ones are legit, but I found out that a bunch of my other game/anime OSTs are fake. >_<
Holy crap, I'm going to buy so much crap from their booth. XD I'm actually wearing my RIOT shirt as I type this. d >_< b Ordered it off the site a while ago.
Well, I'm glad you think so. XD Makes me feel a little better. I like hearing a lot from other people too, so it's all good. ^_^
My hair's almost long enough for me to sit on; I haven't had it cut in almost 7 years now. Yours?
Now for the wigs, I have two styles, both blond. One's longer than the other (cuz it's not layered), but both were used by a friend of mine for her Ky cosplay so I can tell you, they work great. (please don't mind my face, I took these quite some time ago)
Long wig view 1 Long wig view 2 Short wig view 1 Short wig view 2
I can take more photos if you need them, from other angles too.
I've never been to JACON before; so it should be fun. I won't be cosplaying though. I fly in on Thursday and fly home on Sunday. I guess the easiest way for us to find each other is if we swapped cell numbers (unless you have another idea).
If my DS ever dies on my, I'll probably upgrade to a DSLite. (I'm terrible at Vemon's game, it's the only one I can't beat.)
I have a feeling I'm going to drop a pretty penny at their booth too >_> I'll probably get myself a RIOT T-shirt at least.
My hair is almost long enough to tuck into my pants, but if I hadn't gotten it cut halfway up my back around January, I would definitely be sitting on it by now, since it was almost there when I cut it. :P
I don't think there's anything wrong with your face there. XD And I love both the wigs, how much for both?
Jacon was the third con I went to, and I had a lot of fun. For some reason, though, some of my friends said they were disappointed. I had a fine time, so I don't know exactly what it was they were disappointed in, so maybe I'm just easy to please? :/ If you stick me anywhere even vaguely fun with a few friends and good moods, I'm having a ball, so maybe that's it. Anyway, I liked it, but I know people who complained. I hope you like it, though. :D
Metrocon used to be LAUGHABLY small (small dealer's room, hardly any panels, like two video rooms), but now it's pretty big. Megacon (the most recent one I went to) is the biggest one I've been to, so if you're going to do Florida again sometime, that's the one to go to for sure. d >_< b I'm sure nothing we have here even holds a candle to AX and Otakon, though.
If you think your DS is going to die, trade it in before it does and get some credit toward the DSLite. d >_< b At Gamestop, that is. My DSLite breaking down and the release of the DSi happened to happily coincide, so I got lucky. :D (I think I remember being the worst at the leaf-slashing one. Johnny's? I have to play them again. I just remember the Faust one was AWESOME and I never got tired of the music. XD)
Yeah... man, I hope they have a lot of awesome merchandise. :D
I got started on the con track with the Motorcity Comic Convention (which sounds very simliar to your Metrocon, super tiny). Did that for a few years, going twice a year if I could hack it, then it was onto Ohayhocon (once), Anime Central (since 2005), Otakon (twice), Sugoicon (once) and Youmacon (twice). JACON and AX are both new trips for me. I think I'll like JACON...it's the first con in years where I don't have to worry about cosplays/photoshoots/etc and I can just wander around as a nameless fan XD
lol, all this talk of the Faust mini game makes me curious who would win in an endurance challenege...
Well, you're way more experienced than I am. Two Metrocons, Two Jacons... or was it one? That was one hectic weekend. I was like, the designated sane person, so I bet I got even more gray hairs from it. >_>||| And one Megacon, which was definitely the best. AX 2009 is my first time there too, so I guess we'll be able to feel our way through it together somewhat (or get swept away by it all, more like, haha).
I totally hear the not having to worry about anything, though. My friends did an Artist's Alley table, and I was worried about that, and once I cosplayed and people were trying to force me into group pictures I didn't want to be in, ugh. You probably had a way harder time of it than I did, though. :P
I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE. >D (I'll probably lose, haha.)
Also, good night!
XD I guess that's one way of putting it (typically, I get a lot of "You're wasting your money!!!11!!" nonsense). Are Jacon and Metrocon the same weekend or something?
Eh, not really. When I first started cosplaying I used to get really surprised when random people would stop me for a picture, but I'm pretty used to it now. (Of course, given that GG isn't super popluar, I get a lot of "Cool costume, but who are you?" comments or really weird guesses...(I used to get asked if I was Vincent from FFVII. One person thought I was Duke Devon (the dice game dude) from Yu-Gi-Oh and an old guy at the mall I used to work at thought I was a character from Resident Evil...XD) It makes for fun times). I've never had a friend involved with Aritst's Alley but I think it would neat. I love checking it out and seeing what kind of cool things are there (and I'm all for supporting artists) =3
Also, good morning! =3 (even though it's like two days later... 'twas helping a friend move out of college all weekend)
BAH, wasting money?! If you can get by comfortably while getting to enjoy the things you like, what else is money supposed to be spent on, huh? Bah, I say! BAH! Plus, the economy needs big spenders. :P Just our patriotic duty.
Haha, I've always thought cosplayers were awesome - I admire their confidence. It's a pretty big step for me to cosplay, myself (the one costume I did before was just a suit, so whatever, that didn't count) and actually send out a subliminal "lookit me!". I'm kinda freaked out, when I think about it, hahahahaha... >___>||| But I still want to do it! I was looking at buyable cosplays last night, hurrhurr. (125.00 for a Sol wig?!)
It's a shame GG doesn't have more fans, arrgh. I can see the Vincent guesses, and, sadly, the dice guy. XDDDDD Resident Evil, though? XD Sounds like he at least knew it was a video game. Nice try, old dude. XD
Artists's Alley was all right... except we were right next to this AWESOME guy, so we looked really awful. XD; Oh well, it's all good. Oh, except when I went to the Red vs. Blue panel, someone in Artist's Alley stole my Kon doll, and I had to buy a new one. :/ Oh well though.
HAHAHA, IT IS YOU WHO WILL NEED THE LUCK! (Obligatory drama!retort, even though I'll lose, haha.)
Good morning! :D
PayPal's fine, or you can just send me cash/check/M.O. through the mail. Handing the money off to me at the con works too.
hah, well I have to agree and disagree with you on that point. At the time, it was fine because I had a job and income so I wasn't too worried about it, but I'm unemployed now....figured I should go out with a bang before I'm truly penniless. XD
Start out with a simple costume to build up some confidence =3 I'll help you where I can too. Commissioned wig are okay if you're short on time/experience, but it's not hard to cut'n'style a wig, there are cheap ones you can buy to practice on if you want. Loads of information on how to do different styles too, just got to go digging.
I kind of like the fact that GG isn't mega popular, large fandoms get full of stupids and that just makes it awkward for everyone...>_>;;
Was it just for friend that was doing stuff for AA? Or do you do things as well? (and if so, what?)
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