Aug 06, 2006 15:09
its been about two weeks now. I have been working steady since that time and am learning a lot. I have seen tons of new things out here. I have climbed the South Mountains (yes they are southern mountain, they arent too creative with names out here). I have sailed and slept out on Lake Pleasant. I have seen the highest man made gyser. By the Bye, everything out here is either brought in or is man made. Other than desert, cacuti, and Palm trees nothing is native. I have spent a lot of time in the pool and sun. The weather is hot, but nothing like MA. There is no humitity so when you come out of the pool you are actually cold. Now that i got work underway, ill start strength training soon, my uncle wants to go back to the gym and needs a partner, so i volenteered. The only thing i miss is my console games and my books, but there is a library pretty close so books shouldnt be a problem. well its 3:13 here and i have been up since 6 so i have to find something else to enertain me.