Sep 15, 2011 13:41
So, Conundrum... I like where I work, I don't love it cause I work for a soulless corporation that ran my previous employer out of business and poached all her staff, but I do like the microcosm of that corporation that I happen to be rostered into. I have awesome patients, great hospital staff to work with and my actual team is annoying on occasion but at least competent.
However... I have been told over a year into my contract that not only will I never be eligable for a pay rise while I work for this company, but now I have to submit my finger for a print on their roster login.
I have no problem using any other mode of ID but I have HUGE moral issues with being asked to submit to finger print scans, iris scans and other such ways of ensuring that I am not "trying to rip off the company by having someone else log in and out for me".
I have been asked by many staff weather it's worth giving up a position that I like to make a statement that everyone else has already made 2 years ago. My answer is that I wasn't working there two years ago, and if the statement had really been made properly then the finger print login would never have been approved on account of everyone who objected handing in resignations en mass and the company suddenly having no senior lab staff and no phlebotomists left. Seriously how hard could they have fought it???
It doesn't help me however. I now have the staff cranky at me and management waiting to see if I actually make good on my resolve to resign rather than let them invade my privacy.
Emotionally I want to stay but is that any better than staying in a stale and slightly abusive relationship just because one has "no where else to turn"?? I have no other qualifications to fall back on that my body will let me actually work with, my back is too stuffed to go back to hospitality, but I am so incredibly dissolusioned with health care and pathology specifically that I don't think I could stomach trying to find more work in the same field. This is the third pathology company to royally screw me over in the last 4.5 years. Really how many times does someone have to beat you up before you decide "no more"?
So, do I give in to peer pressure and corporate bullying just to keep my pay cheque, or do I go back to less than $20 per hour crapstick employment and keep my sense of moral integrity intact??
over it,
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