[Sex Work Filter] On being jaded

May 19, 2011 14:55

(Excerpt from blog on stripping here)

It’s easy to feel like every person I meet is judging me, hurting me, insulting me and trying to change me. That’s because sometimes the negative garbage they spew is so potent, so charged, that it’s overwhelming. But it’s important for me to see the truth- and the truth is that only a small percentage of the people I meet are like that. The larger percentage is made up of people who simply want the best for themselves and others. And sometimes, it is made up of people who are truly inspiring in their selflessness, compassion, and fearlessness.

For instance: I have been told that what I do is art. I have sat with men who understand what this profession is about, who respect it, who compensate me fairly, and throw in a good laugh to boot. I have had conversations that touched me emotionally, and cerebrally. Conversations that made me think, wonder, and want to create. That made me grateful to be alive and in a position to meet so many different people, from so many different walks of life. And all this beneath the halo of a black light, and cradled in the arms of the thrumming bass of hip-hop and heavy metal.

Am I jaded towards men? No, I am not. Every day provides a new temptation to become so- with so many people out there saying and doing hurtful things. But I am not jaded. Because for every asshole I encounter, there is someone kind I’ve yet to meet.

articles, sex work

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