Splinched - MWPP Era

Apr 16, 2010 16:34



Fandom - Harry Potter

Rating - pg13

Characters - The Marauders

Disclaimer - I do not own. I make no money off this.

A/N - Inspired by a conversation on splinching at Potterficweekly.com

Professor McGonagall’s office was not the place a student ever wanted to end up, unless, they were going to decide on what Wizarding career would be best for them. However, James Potter and Sirius Black had ended up in the office more times than anyone could count since First year.

Her office was located within a tower with a long, rounding, stair way that led up to it. The trellised window behind her desk was open to the warm weather beyond, which was uncommon for Fall in Wales. Upon the curving structure of the walls was a continual bookcase full of books that Professor McGonagall had collected throughout her long life. James craned his neck to see some of the titles.

Teaching Transfiguration, Volume 50.by Nina Storms; Animagi and other difficult Transfiguration, by Dr. Andy Haysworth.

“Hey!” James tugged at Sirius’ elbow.

“She has the book we need!” he whispered. Sirius looked behind them at the closed door before replying. It was never good to have a Professor in the same room as those making Mischief.

“Do you think we can flitch it?” Sirius asked. He didn’t see how without it being notice post-haste.

“Probably not till later,” James muttered. At the rate they were going, they’d become Animagi in the fifties. He scrunched down in his chair while Sirius went back to whatever musings he had entertained seconds prior.

Silence reigned till Sirius looked over at James; “Do you think he’ll be all right? The little wanker?”

“Of course Peter will be fine,” James replied.

“Why’d he even decide it’d be a good idea to go through the Hogwarts floos anyway?”

“Probably because he’s crazy!” James cringed.

It had all started the week prior when Peter had come up to them at lunch, on a Monday, and said that if they could travel by floo, they’d be able to get anywhere they wanted in Hogwarts and no one would be the wiser.

Remus hadn’t looked up from his mashed potatoes and shepherds pie when he told Peter that it’d be dangerous and he’d be hurt; James and Sirius on the other hand just blinked but thought the idea had merit with a bit of research. Remus gave up. If his friends were going to get into trouble he might as well help them with the theory and watch from afar the doom that befell them all.

It was Tuesday in present time, with James and Sirius awaiting the arrival of Professor McGonagall who had sent them to wait in her office. Both boys wished they could escape but knew that if they did, they’d just get more punishment - for something they never even did - even if they had looked up Flooing in the library, the Hogwarts fireplaces didn’t have a big enough opening. Hogwarts a History had said that since the fireplaces have never been updated, that Flooing into or out of any House was nigh impossible.

Peter had been sure the fire places had been updated and had tried it out in order to get to the Transfiguration class on time.

Only his leg had made it.

“I hope he suffers,” Sirius muttered, “It seems that he’s always the one in the Hospital Wing instead of Remus,”

“He’s more dangerous than us on a good day!” James replied angrily, “We told him it was no use, but does he listen to us!?” and here, James was smarting because he was supposed to be the ring leader. If Peter had listened to him, this never would have happened.

“So he’s a know-it-all little brat, he does have some good ideas, though,” Sirius always hated admitting that particular little thing. Peter did come up with most of their best pranks after all. Remus only went along with it because it got his friends into the Library to do research.

“It’s a good thing Remus was in Runes this morning; it was bad enough that we had to be sent away, by our own Professor!” James tilted his head to glare at the door behind him.

“Look, we can’t let her think that Peter is…more trouble than the four of us together,” Sirius replied, in a tone that belied his fun loving nature.

“I know,” James glared harder, as if the door would run away if he was angry enough with it.

“We’ll make Peter repay us, somehow,” Sirius replied.

James thought about it, “Okay,”

-       - -

“What happened?” Remus was on his feet as soon as James and Sirius entered the Hospital Wing. Peter was in bed, looking sullen.

“She believed us when we told her we had nothing to do with it,” James replied all the while glaring at Peter. The youngest boy of their group just stuck his tongue out, not caring a wit that he’d gotten himself hurt.

“At this rate, Peter, someone may think you’re a Werewolf or something,” Sirius ribbed. Remus looked around in half panic before kicking Sirius in the shin.


“Serves you right,” Remus hissed.

“Anyway…” James shook his head.

“You’re lucky that we didn’t get detention because of you being Splinched by Floo!”

“Well, it’s a neat idea, anyway,” Peter shrugged.

“If you do anything so stupid like that again, Peter, I’ll wring your little neck and string you up in the bell tower! You’ll become just another ghost around here,” Sirius threatened. His voice was low and he meant it.

Peter nodded; “Fine,”

Sirius sniffed as if he didn’t believe the other boy.

“Guess what we got,” James switched subjects.

“What?” Remus asked, slightly curious. James looked around, making sure the coast was clear before he drew out from his book bag…

The other boys gasped and James smiled triumphantly.

-       - -

Professor McGonagall pursued her book shelf, she scratched behind her ear with her wand; “Now, where did I put that book on Animagi…” she wondered aloud.


petter pettigrew, james potter, mwpp era, harry potter fan fiction, remus lupin, sirius black

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