When all is said and done - spn fic (gen)

Jul 02, 2013 16:29

It's been a while, have some fic. It's not very good because I am totally out of practice writing for SPN.

When It’s all said and Done
Fandom - Supernatural
Rating - pg
Warnings - Usual show violence if this goes any further.
Pairings - non
Disclaimer - SPN does not belong to me, the copy write does. So please don’t steal this story.(I will hunt you down and put a stake through your heart if that happens) fair warning.
Summary - Sam is determined to go to Stanford no matter how much his Dad and Brother hate him for it.


Sam sat in the bus terminal waiting for the next Grey Hound to take him to California. Around him people chatted and rested from their own long trips across country and Sam realized that for the first time in all his twenty years, he was truly traveling alone.

Sure, there had been those times where he’d wondered around a small town doing research for his Dad and brother; but that didn’t really count. Not when they called every hour on the dot and hounded him about shit that he didn’t care about.

Nope. This time his phone was new (thanks to Bobby) and neither Sam nor Dad had called him on it. Sam frowned. The previous night had been a nightmare and it was Bobby who drove him to the bus terminal. Sam was going to walk but Bobby had insisted.

“Sammy, don’t take your Dad and Dean’s word to heart. Hunting is a family thing sometimes. And things can get all muddied up. They still love you,”

Bobby’s words still rang in his head but Sam wasn’t entirely sure if he believed him. Dad was absent most of the time hunting, and then when Dean got old enough he joined their father and Sam was left to his own devices. He was far happier with his nose in books rather than shooting rock salt at stupid spirits who should know better than to kidnap people and do horrible things anyway.

He’d still done it, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t get Dad to see him, just him. Instead Dad was always ragging on him about being better; about how Dean had to save his ass again.

Well, Sam could only take so much of it and last night was the last straw. He didn’t want to have a yelling match over it, but he also didn’t want to run away. But when Dad compared him to Dean once again Sam just couldn’t hold it in anymore and so announce that he was going to Stanford and Dad could shove the Hunting business where the sun doesn’t shine.

Then he stomped off to his room and locked the door firmly behind. He’d lain on the bed with his head under the pillow but a half hour later he heard the engine of the Impala roar to life and he knew it was done now. He wasn’t going to see them again. Ever.

And maybe that was why Bobby drove him to the bus station. He wanted Sam to know that at least one person supported his decision to go to school.


Stanford is a big campus. There are dorm rooms, the English building, Mathematics building, science building and art building. There was a gymnasium and the Football Team was serious business. The cheerleaders where handing out fliers. Sam took one just to be polite though he’d never been interested in contact sports. He’d had enough of that growing up; Hunting was a serious contact sport in many ways.

And by all his research, this town had no ghosts or hidden curses or legends to worry about. Sure there may be an odd one here or there that might turn on the lights and tv or whatever. But Sam not only picked his college based on the supernatural lore, but also on what he wanted to do and this one fit both bills almost perfectly. He had thought about going to Brown or even overseas but in the end he had liked California best and the school was close to the beach and he’d have fun. He could make friends and he could make a different life all together.

Sam smiled.

His future was so bright, when all is said and done, that he’d have to wear shades.

stanford, sam winchester, sam goes to college, bobby singer, fan fic, dean winchester, john winchester

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