If Airplaines were Wishes - 2/? (pg13)

Oct 15, 2010 19:38

If Airplanes were Wishes

Fandom - Supernatural

Rating - PG13

Pairing - None

Warnings - none yet

Disclaimer - I do not own Supernatural nor do I make any money off this fiction.

A/N - I Thank Cherry916, tangy_original9 and sadritsuka12 for the lovely comments. Thank ya’ll so much.

Chapter 2 - Settling In

Sammy huffed.

Dean was humming Black Sabbath in the kitchen while he banged about pots and pans - he was going to make a real home made dinner that night. There was going to be a string of home made dinners. Though, Sammy new that Dean would make appropriate food so that he wouldn’t choke when Dean fed him.

He plumped himself down on the soft padding of the safety-pen. He was feeling cranky and he knew it was because his emotions were all out of whack because of the spell/potion Dean had fed him back at Bobby’s place.

Sammy knew that they really didn’t get along too well. Sammy hated authority figures and Dean liked being in charge. Sometimes, Sammy didn’t mind because it was easier to let Dean do what he wanted instead of fighting with him. At other times, Sammy was just too tired with life and Dean plowed on.

He didn’t know exactly when he’d lost his trust in Dean, but he knew that he still loved him. As they grew up though, the love changed. Sammy didn’t think that made much sense. It did to him. He just didn’t think that Dean would understand.

“Hey buddy,” Dean stood in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. Dean had a clear view from the island - which held the stove and cook top - into the living room. He glanced at Sammy every once in a while. Sammy wasn’t a quiet child the first go-round. He would sing and laugh at nothing and play with his teddy bear. Now, Sammy ignored the Teddy sitting in the play pen with him. He just looked sad.

Sammy looked up when Dean spoke.

“Are you hungry?” Dean asked.

Sammy thought about it before sighing and nodding his head. Dean grinned as he walked forward. Dean bent down and Sammy let Dean pick him up. He sniffled and threw his small arms around Dean’s neck. Dean carried him into the kitchen and placed him easily into the high chair.

“I’m not exactly sure if you’ll be sick, so I’m not going to feed you heavy food right now,” Dean explained while he tied a bib around Sammy’s neck to protect the Elmo t-shirt he was wearing.

“Dean,” Sammy pouted, “I don’t like this, please turn me back,”

“Sammy, you need to trust me on this,” Dean brought a chair over to place in front of his baby brother he grabbed the bowl of baby cereal he’d made and sat down. He stirred the spoon around the gray, gravy like concoction.

“Dean, I do trust you,” Sammy whimpered.

“Ssshhh,” Dean lent forward, “Sammy, it’s a vacation for you more than it is for me, please, just for a while,” he felt like he was begging, but he didn’t care. He needed Sammy to understand why he’d done it. Dean held up the baby spoon, the bit on it was small.

Sammy glared; “No way,”

“Sammy!” Dean now looked perturbed.

Sammy flinched. Dad had used that tone and it wasn’t a good omen when it happened. Dean cottoned on.

“No, Sammy, I won’t hurt you,” Dean sat back, “I just…want us to be stronger,”

“And this is the best way to do it?” Sammy asked incredulously; the fear forgotten for the moment.

“Yeah, well…and I didn’t have any better ideas,” Dean shrugged. He dipped the spoon into the bowl before bringing it to Sammy’s lips again, “now, please eat, you’ve been worrying me,”

Sammy opened his small mouth to take in the equally small bit of baby cereal. He had always thought Dean hated taking care of him when they were children, but…Dean seemed to enjoy…this; whatever this was.

Sammy still wasn’t sure about it. He let Dean feed him till the bowl was empty. Dean smiled grandly down at his baby brother before crossing the kitchen to rinse the bowl out.

“You know, this may be drastic, and maybe in the future I’ll get annoyed, somehow…but for right now…this is enjoyable,” Dean padded over to the fridge and pulled it open, from it he brought out a sippy cup with juice all ready held inside.

He set it on the tray before Sammy while he dug up his own dinner. Sammy half-heartedly drank his juice as Dean ate. It was quiet, and neither Brother wanted to shatter it.

When Dean was done, he washed the dishes and set them in the dish rack to dry. He had a huge shit-eating grin on his face when he unbuckled Sammy from the highchair.

“Lets get you a bath, and then I will read you a story and its bed time, okay Sammy?” Dean didn’t really want an answer and Sammy didn’t give him one.


Dean was double checking the salt lines in the house when his cell phone rang.


“Bobby told me what you two did,” Castiel’s voice was sharp.

“Shit…Cas…” Dean sighed.

“I guess I shall just have to take your word that you and Sam are safe?” Castiel asked, perturbed, “after all, I can’t sense you, find you or…you have used wards against Angels and Demons correct?” now he sounded worried.

“Yeah, Cas,” Dean tried to keep his voice calm, “I’m not stupid, especially when it comes to Sammy,”

“Recent activity would state the direct opposite of that statement,” Castiel pointed out.

“Okay, so I suck at being a big brother, what more do you want from me?” Dean growled low so as not to disturb Sammy who had taken to colouring in the play pen no more than ten feet away.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Dean, it’s only that I don’t trust Lucifer to make a move for Sam while he is in this state. He is very vulnerable,” Castiel sounded less annoyed.

“I know, that’s why I didn’t tell anyone my plans. I’ve proofed our places from top to bottom from any creature, Demon or Angel,” Dean replied, “But I told you that,”

“I know,” Castiel sighed this time.

“So then, why did you call?”

“Lucifer has caught wind, I don’t know how or why, of what you did to Sam,” Castiel, it sounded, hadn’t wanted to depart the news.

“Damn,” Dean cursed. Sammy’s head shot up and big brown eyes caught Dean’s in a worried look.

“I’ll try and keep them busy for a while,” Castiel maintained his easy tone, “Since I don’t know where you are I’ll be all right,”

“What do you mean by that?” Dean demanded.

“Dean, I am not invincible, I can be captured and tortured as long as the Holy Oil is burning,” Castiel stated simply.

“Cas, don’t do anything stupid,” Dean muttered.

“That same goes for you but I think you’ve all ready crossed that line,” and the line went dead.

“Dick,” Dean huffed as he closed the cell phone and replaced it in his pocket.

“What was that all about?” Sammy demanded from his play pen. He stood on his small legs, trying to peak over the top but barley making it.

Dean shook his head as he finished locking up; “Lucifer apparently knows what I did to you,”

“How, we didn’t stop anywhere,” Sammy replied, perplexed at this news.

“I know, Sammy,” Dean replied. He made his way across the living room to the play pen and picked Sammy up.

“Lets go to bed,” he said and he turned the light out as the vacated for the upstairs portion of the house.

“How can you think of sleep when Lucifer might be right outside our door?” Sammy demanded.

Dean sighed, “The ghouls would have alerted me,” he replied, “I did more than just turn you into a child, Sam,” - and that was Sam’ queue to be quiet and obedient - “I found the spells to bind the ghouls to my will. They are to protect this house and anyone inside, no matter what, if anything happens to me, they’ll take you back to Bobby’s,” Dean explained, “They will also care for you if I have to leave,”

“So, you’re keeping me prisoner here?” Sammy glowered.

“Sam, I love you, when this is over we’ll walk away and maybe we’ll be the better for it,” Dean sighed. How many times did he have to tell Sammy that all he wanted was the child like Trust and Love they’d had as children?

“Dean, they’re ghouls!” Sammy gripped Dean’s shirt tightly when Dean put Sammy down in a big, queen sized bed.

“Sammy, they’ll tell me if anything crossed the magical boarder, now, I have my gun, holy water and a silver stake, we’ll be dine,” Dean stood.

Sammy was all ready dressed in Ninja Turtles pj’s. Dean stripped to his boxers and under shirt before brushing his teeth and then climbing into bed with Sammy.

“I was going to have you sleep in the nursery, but since you’re so nervous, I figure that you’d like to be with me tonight,” Dean turned out the light and the room was filled with twitching, white, moon light.

Sam cuddled up to Dean’s side. If there was one thing he’d missed for years, it was this.

They heard scratches outside the bedroom followed heavy breathing of something and thumping.

“Dean…!” Sammy’s panicked gasp had Dean pulling Sammy closer to him.

“Ssshhh, it’s just one of the ghouls,” Dean reassured Sammy, “There are three inside the house and six outside,”

“But, ghouls eat kids like me,” Sammy whimpered. He buried his face into Dean’s neck. Dean smelled of gun oil and the leather of the Impala.

“They’re under my control, Sammy, they won’t hurt you,” Dean rubbed circles along Sammy’s back.

It took an hour for both to fall asleep.


bobby sings, sam winchester, castiel, fanf iction, dean winchester, supernatural, de-aged

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