Smoke on the Water - SPN ep 2 Review

Oct 01, 2010 21:07

Here be spoilers, so don't click if ya havent seen.

I just know that Samuel is up to something and now he has someone who's like the 'boss'. And how is it that Sam doesn't know and why doesn't he call him Grandpa? That's what I'd like to know. Oh, and Dean is totally not as rusty as he thinks he is, because he doesn't trust them. I think He trusting Sam is kinda pushing it as well.

And finally we get to see Dean get back on the road. That talk between him and Lisa was just awesome. I loved it. She gave him an out/in and its awesome, though I am sure Ben is gonna hate it. Oh, at Dean yelling Ben, it was a weird seen but its was cool to get some interaction between them, I mean, seriously, Ben and Lisa never where important characters and they ain't ever gonna be.

And they didn't die. Cool beans.

Next on the list...

I was sure Dean was gonna give a quip about taking care of Sam as a young kid. I mean, I know Dean was 4yrs old when their Mom died, but to be honest, I do think that Dean would have had more hands on with Sam than we're given to believe in this episode. And it was hilarious when Dean knew when the water works were gonna start.
The fight in the store was epic, and the motel room gave us our first clue.

Dean and Sam aren't as kickass as they've been in previous seasons. Sam showing up at the last minute was a total fluke. Dean should have had his gun ready. Dude, I mean seriously.

And Dean doesn't trust the Campbells. Well, at least his Hunter insticts haven't totally gangked out on him. I mean, I knew Grandpa was bad news in the first episode. Who couldn't when grandpappy gave the awesome bas-ass-I-am-up-to-something-look at the camera after they got the Jin.

I think they're collecting Monsters in order to study them and see what they can find. I mean, lore can only go so far. Some of it is probably real but how would they know since they just kill the Monsters they Hunt. And its not like there is a huge Social Network for Hunters. HunterLogs! it works like Facebook! yayness!

Sam didn't quite save the day and Dean got his ass handed to him in the most wussy way possible.

The end was awesome, and I love how Dean was humming smoke on the water to Bobby John and then at the end we get the real deal as we have some awesome close ups of the Impala. Yup. We get the best of two words and hopefully this season won't suck. Quite truthfully, I think they should have done this season first, though we know shit about it, and then done the Apocalypse after. But, what are ya gonna do? yeah. and now I am thinking that the past two seasons would have been a better book series.

And next week.....CASTIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Misha Collins is just so cute! I just don't think I shall be writing Cas/Dean/Sam or any variation of any time soon.

spoilers, sam winchester, episode 2, season 6, supernatural, dean winchest

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