being politically correct is a wast of time.

Sep 27, 2010 10:35

being politically correct is a wasit of time -

Okay, so I am at this posting board and they have a religion/politics thread. It can get pretty steamy because no one is holding back. So, we were talking about colbert and him going to capitol hill in character and he's been made an ass by the Democrats and shit, right. Well, I said "Their politics is retarded" -

Which means that I think it'd have been a better idea if they'd all have begged out of the meeting or didn't show up. They have better shit to do with their time - like calling people up for money - that to see Colbert try and be funny when he really isn't.

Anyway, a bunch of people got pissed at me because I used the word "Retarded" - which is funny because people call me that all the time just BECAUSE I CAN'T DO MATH IN MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then they tell me that I am not allowed to be offended because its the truth and how dare I tell them to knock it off.

Anyway, I won't appologize for it. I mean, I'm a writer, I chose a word that I thought apt to describe the situation.
Also as a writer, no one is ALLOWED TO CENSOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the damned government and not people who cringe at the a simple word. Who give a fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't.

opinion, politically correct, ranting and ravings, government

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