Jan 22, 2006 06:11
Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged.
1. I buy more than one tube of toothpaste and will most often use two or more dabs of toothpaste in one brushing session on my toothbrush...
2. I will randomly, unciounsiously break out into various accents and dialects when talking. These may include: English, Scottish, Mexican, Cuban, Japanese, or French
3. I tend to make sound affects when doing or saying just about anything....most of the time. It takes up 80% of my communication abilities
4. I will smell....pretty much everything. For every sort of imaginable reason. For example: I use my nose to appreciate the one I love and take in all their lovely scents. I smell to identify clean from unclean clothes. I smell things to get an idea where they have been....uhh you get the picture...
5. A Habit I picked up from my friend Rick is randomly scaring the shit out of someone who I know doesn't sense me or isn't paying attention. Its really mean but its so freaking hilarious to see people lose control like that HEHEHEH