Ok, so, wow.

Mar 11, 2009 09:49

Seriously? I haven't even put up my first post on here yet? :( Sorry all, I fail.

Most of you watching me know who I am, though, the former angelmecha who's too much of a loser  to think of an entirely new name (and was taken by the inspiration of a phoenix momentarily).

So, no intros necessary, I think.

My post for today is blah.

My life lately, has been blah.

My sweet baby kitty died in January due to highly unusual and tragic circumstances, and I've been mostly skirting on and off of depression since. (I know no one on my flist would say "it's just an animal," but it's even deeper than that.,.. she was so special, and so much more than a cat. She was my little soulmate, my familiar, my rock...) This year has held a mass of suck for me and it's hardly started. The winter drags on forever, and it's having a bad effect on me. I just want it to be warm. I want to forget this winter.

Life is somehow moving on, though (don't ask me how or why). I've been trying to be active in a lot of different ways that I haven't really been, lately if not ever. Aside from fixing up the house (which is an ongoing project forever, ... but fun... currently looking at finishing my sewing room, putting up a new fence in the back, putting a door on the shed, landscaping, installing crown moulding, and acquiring some wall frames for my artwork), I've been taking my pups to the park more often, weather permitting... also been crafting, trying to write and draw again, cooking a lot, etc etc etc. Hopefully someday I'll have pictures to upload of all these things. :3 As far as my dolls, they're still going to be coming back, but I've taken a bit of a haitus from them-- I've got no time to unpack them and touch them up the way I'd like, so for now they are staying put away. However, I'm making a conscious effort to stop lurking, both here and on my many various and asundry forums, so expect posts about just about everything from me.

So, yeah. My life in a nutshell right now. Busy busy busy. :3 Glad to slowly be returning to the land of the living.


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