The beginning of an end, the beginning of a new beginning. Or something.

Jun 07, 2009 22:00

Peace out, girl scout!

Since I'm not as deep into the doll comm as I used to be, please pass it along to anyone who might want this guy... I'd appreciate it :3

We'll miss Reno... he might be the beginning of a large overhaul with my collection (or just plain thinning), but we'll see how I feel if and when he goes. Even if I wasn't contemplating such a revamp, he'd be the first one to go just to be replaced with a new bod, anyway... so that's a good place to start.

I'm such a shitty friend, argh!!! I'll post with pics and fun stuff soon... it's Ren Faire season! :)

I quit smoking. I'm SO not interesting anymore. But don't say you're proud of me because I'm not doing it for any 'good' reason. Not for my health, not for my future, not for my energy, not because it's a gross habit. I love smoking. I miss it. I feel like a best friend has passed away. I'm quitting because I won't pay the new higher prices with all the taxes they've stamped on cigarettes while people still can get drunk and crash into other people for cheap. *RANT.* In any case, my last pack ran out and I'm now heading on into four days without one. It kinda (really) sucks.

Disclaimer: Yes, I smoke, but Reno has never been exposed to it and I wash my hands before handling my dolls. :P Just FYI, lol...

selling, dolls, reno, smoking

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