Welcome to my parlor...

Feb 20, 2028 02:20

Greetings, my curious/random/bored/{enter_your_own_version} guest.

This is a just another typical personal journal. It exists, because:

* I love writing. And virtual papers take much less space than the real ones (plus they never collect dust and their accessibility can be restricted as needed);
* Structuring my thoughts and moods often helps me to realize some not-so-obvious things about them;
* I find it quite amusing to observe how my opinions change and adjust (or remain exactly the same) with time.

For structuring the above-mentioned thoughts and moods, I use the following tags:
1. Various observations, thinking aloud, etc.: "philosophizing", "afterthoughts", "slice of life", "practical", "a medicine for melancholy".
2. Music-, movie-, linguistic- and other intellectual-themed posts "artful", "words and their meaning".
3. Travel notes: "wanderlust", "some photos".
4. Daily scribbles: "slice of life", "good to know", "wor-r-rk", "practicalities".
5. Just for fun: "why so serious".
6. Creative (short stories, poetry, drawings/sketches, etc.): "wordweaving" (sometimes restricted), "it rhymes!"(restricted), "pale sketches".
7. Personal: "innermost" (typically restricted), "dark side of the Moon" (sometimes restricted).
8. Potions Cooking, DIY-cosmetic and similar experiments: "daily alchemy", "practicalities".

Thanks for all the fish - and wishing you all the best.

PS. Weird and not always matching titles of my posts are usually the quotes from some songs I like. Or references to the other things I like.
PPS. Since 2020 I have switched to writing this journal in English - a side effect of being an expat. Sorry, if that causes any inconvenience or confusion.

practicalities, good to know

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