
Jan 05, 2007 00:38

There was a time when I would find all of this very disruptive. And mildly disconcerting.

Unsurprisingly, I am too desensitized to care. I was, however, able to muster up an eye roll. It seemed only fitting.

Once more into the breach...

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littleblackcait January 5 2007, 14:37:21 UTC
[...... bugger all, I can't b'lieve m' eyes! We were worried 'bout ya- well, I was, anyway. Bloody 'ell, but it's been crazy- and kinna lonely- 'round here wi'out you 'n Sephiroth 'round t' cause trouble. Wait'll Reeve finds out! Once I figger out where th' hell he is, anyway.... One small problem... er... Reeve thinks ya left for Gaia when Tseng did. There's been a lotta screwed-up stuff happenin' and somea this he needed t' forget but.... I reckon it'll come back t' him once he sees ya!

... oh, an' think ya could give him some advice? He got a new pet f'r Christmas- kinda like a Dark Nation cub, but wi' stripes- and she keeps tryin' t' chew m' tail off. Help?]

((ooc: welcome back, Rufus! <3 Strikeouts deleted~))


ashenice January 5 2007, 17:17:57 UTC
Considering that we cannot manage to be in the same place for longer than five minutes without an explosion or two and a bit of bloodshed, I have no doubt that the days of peace and quiet are going to be a thing of the past quite soon. Perhaps it would be best for him to continue to forget; I imagine that we caused him a great deal of trouble.

Has anyone attempted to play with her? Dark Nation used to enjoy a good tumble and bite every so often. Nothing major of course, a few pinpricks at most when she got carried away. Though, if you require someone to entertain her, I will be returning to the mansion shortly and would be more than happy to occupy her time.

[OOC; Telling him that there's a cat in the mansion is probably the best greeting a person could give him. ^_-]


littleblackcait January 5 2007, 17:28:29 UTC
[Psssh, as if that's ever bothered 'im before. Hell, he'd be dead'n'gone if it wasn't f'r you two! Reeve'll be glad t' see ya, trust me.

Well, she kinda rips most toys apart... s'pose I could try it. Reeve's always been better at this'n me, she'll b'have f'r him, but she thinks I'm a toy... well, I'll have her waitin' when ya get here. She's gettin' t' be more'n I can handle, she is....]

((ooc: Rufus is going to end up with a lap full of feisty Siberian tiger cub when he gets there. XD And a very happy robot cat waiting with a brandy. <3 ))


ashenice January 5 2007, 17:32:49 UTC
I am glad that we were able to do some good. I hope Reeve is making the most of his life and not stirring up trouble. Or fighting with Vincent.

I look forward to meeting her. Does she have a name?

[OOC: Rufus's dignity forbids him from doing the Happy Dance, but he shall still be thinking it, even if he can't actually do it.]


littleblackcait January 5 2007, 17:44:59 UTC
[Well... he's doin' his best. Last I saw of them, they were gettin' ready t' go t' that big party an' flirtin' like there was no t'morrow. So far, so good, I s'pose.

Ah! He named her 'Xue Fang'. We've just been callin' her 'Xue'. Well, Vincent calls her a demon, an' I dunno if Cid's seen her yet....]

((ooc: ... oh dear. *dies* Rufus says that and Reeve's gotten himself into trouble again. Rather, it found him this time. Really! Strikeouts visible to Rufus only~))


ashenice January 6 2007, 01:09:17 UTC
Big party? Reeve must be a positive influence on him; I never would have imagined Vincent attending a party. While I am glad that I was not there to drown in the soppy display, I am happy for them.

Xue. I cannot wait to meet her.

[OOC: I foresee a facepalm in Rufus' future, when he finds out. Followed by a resolution to keep a babysiter on him at all times.]


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