Dec 21, 2008 21:02
Check this out, peeps: at work, my manager received an e-mail pitched, basically, like this: because the holidays are so very, very hectic, if you happen to come across a store in your own time that needs help, well then, you should help them! For free! For "from a few minutes, to a few hours".
Now, don't get me wrong --I do, in fact, enjoy my job. But...not so much that I'd do it for free. What really gets my goat though is that every starbucks, regardless of business or location, has had hours shaved off their schedule. So, in order to compensate for one stupid decision, we should, uh, work for free?
I can just imagine the reasoning.
EXECUTIVE A: How do we cut costs, but maintain efficiency?
EXECUTIVE B: Hire people to work for free!
EXECUTIVE A: Brilliant!
The life of a pro bono barrista does not appeal, I'm afraid! I have no such sense of community that would lead me to work for nothing. For chrissakes, I made them pay me twenty dollars to clean up kiddy vomit just last week.